I need a case - FAO Yewen probably, Lian Li style ;)

17 Aug 2004
I need a Lian Li case to match my mach 2


So its gotta look like that ^ . ie with the two vents at the bottom.

I know i need a pc60, just do any come with 120mm fans throughout?
Or can they be modded to fit ones in at the back, front would be no problem.

I dont think you can fit a 120mm on the back, because it has a removeable motherboard tray.

92mm maybe, 120mm no.

Good luck.
PC70 :D

Full tower though, and not easy to get new now really.

The PC60 can be 120mm / 80mm but the removeable motherboard tray cripples it.

Here comes the super suggestion, you have spent a lot of money on the cooling, so how about buying a PC7+ and a PC60, swapping the front panels and then selling the other one off for a bit, should cost you about £90 but you would get exactly what you wanted with very little trouble :)
I was looking at the newer ones, so the panels are swappable?

That certainly raises a good idea. hmm

trouble is i dont have much money. i used to have a pc70, way too big to go on top of a mach. I really need to stop switching cases every 2 weeks.

I have a stacker to sell also, to raise funds.

I found the pc7's pretty cheap, like 50 quid or so. Just the pc60's are a bit more. dont they have 80mm at the back too though?

Might just get a pc7 and go with the mismatched fronts.

But the 120mm will fit on the pc60 yea? with a bit of persuasion of course. im no stranger to modding.


ps. get on msn yewen
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The actual chasis is very similar, and as the front are flat it should be as simple as taking the front of the PC60, and the front of the PC7, and then putting the PC60 onto the PC7.

How about buying the PC60 second hand, they are getting quite old since the PC7 has become superior now, so they are floating about quite a lot.

Its the most simple way to do it :p

The PC7+ is just one oversized PC60 grill with the logo in the middle, so it would not look out of place.

But the PC7+, see how it is, if its bad try and get a front panel from somewhere for the PC60 and switch them.

I would recommend the PC7+ over the PC60 though, its a far better case for todays systems.
Maybe a mod to the front of the mach II add a few more holes to get it looking like the PC7+

I think it would be a pretty expensive way to buy a PC60 and a PC7+ and then swap the fronts, i doubt the PC60 would sell for much after - how about emailing lian li and seeing if you can get a PC60 front panel (maybe cost around £20?)

Looking good mate, im amazed you fitted a 120mm fan there, is it not 122mm space or something, my wooden 30cm ruler is not to acurate :p
It will be something Lian Li have to stop case flex, or to prevent resonation.

Trust me when I say, with Lian Li if there is no purpose to it, they don't do it :p

You get what you need, nothing else :D
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