I need a job...

12 Sep 2003
Worcester, UK
I'm going through a bit of a transitional state in my life at the moment and i'm trying to get myself on the right track with life and so on. Basically the thing that's doing my head in right now is my job, I do have a job that I kind of enjoy, but i'm doing it more to keep the money rolling in and the bills paid. I don't really see a future in it though, I don't like it "that" much!

The thing is, career wise, i've kinda shot myself in the foot, i'm 27 and aside from 7 GCSE's, i don't have any qualifications or training.

My biggest problem is that I still don't know what i want to do as a career, i'm too old to qualify for apprenticeships or anything like that and I can't quit my job to do any kind of training as I have bills to pay all the time.

Ideally speaking, I need something that provides on the job training, something with potential to advance, nothing office/admin based though, would prefer something technical where I need to use my brain and would constantly need to be learning new things. Also, to survive, i'd need to earn about £6 an hour, my current wage...at a push I could live off minimum wage.

So...i leave it open to you guys, I really would consider most things that might grab my attention...any suggestions?
Liverpool-Lad said:
You need to work on what you enjoy outside of work and factor work into these interests.

That would be the ideal way to go about it agreed....however my limiting factor is that I need on the job training which isn't that readily available once you pass 21/24 from what i've seen.

For example, I was checking out the BT site, read loads about BT engineering and the training they have in place, everything I read pointed to it being something i'd like to do...got to the important application part and they will only train you on apprenticeship if you're 21 or under.
The Army Reserves?

Im not sure what its like up there but i think down here its mainly only weekends and 1 full week of over training a year.
Or something like that.
Pluss you would be sent to war unless things turn really ugly and the UK lose a lot of troops :)
Phunk-E-Man said:
I'd already considered this, however, i'm not sure my girlfriend would be happy about the "out of regular hours" work...I forgot to mention that she is the other consideration.

The shifts really aren’t that bad, and depending on what area you apply for the shift patterns can actually be very good with plenty of rest days, ok so you going to have a variety of shifts to work but as you said you don’t really have any qualifications, so unless you are willing to sacrifice a bit I think its very doubtful that you are going to get a job with all the requirements you want.

You could be earning 22k within 31 weeks.
suggest looking into the police too or even fire brigade another great and worthwhile career. Hell what about becoming a nurse?

seriously there's loads of options open to you!
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