I need a new game, any ideas?

23 Nov 2013
i turn on my PC and look through my games on Steam, Uplay and Origin. There's a lot to look at, I open up a few favourites play for a couple minutes and then turn my PC off. I need a new game. I play a variety of different genres Survival, FPS, action, arcade, rpg (though Zelda breath of wild has destroyed that genre for me now, I'm pretty sure no game will ever come close to that again)

looking for ideas please guys, also no 'early access' alpha stuff my steam library is full of them!

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy

Stalker + mods

Legend of Grimrock (2 is particularly good)

Crysis 2 + mods

The Warlock of Firetop Mountain & others like it

Eschalon: Book 1 (or 2/3)


Legend of Dungeon

Serious Sam 3

Hard Reset

Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon

Morrowind + Mods

The Darkness 2

A few off the top of my head. Always try to help out a fellow gamer in need! :D
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You tried the witcher 3 pal? Or the last of us (sadly on consoles but may be able to psnow stream it (it's my favourite game ever for sure))

Mass effect andromeda has a tight tight squeeze on me now. For the first time in a long time I've been really disappointed in having to turn a game off to go to work. Usually it's a bit of a "chore" but last night I wanted none of it haha.
I'm in the same boat, I'm bored with all my games on steam and origin.have a look at titanfall 2. looks good :cool:.
Titanfall 2 is ace, only played through the campaign so far and I'm itching to run through again on a higher difficulty (Witcher 3 is getting in the way!), really well optimised for PC as well.
I could recommend everspace, it is in early access but already very polished rogue alike ship shooter cross between ftl and freelancer!
E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy
This game sounds like something I would enjoy, but every time I start it and play for about 15 minutes it never grabs me. Just seems like a strange game. Does it get much better and less weird later on in the game?
I went through this. Do what I did and get a PS4, The Last of Us Remastered and Horizon Zero Dawn. :p

Kontrol Freeks controller mod has made me miss the mouse a lot less and I'm pulling off headshots no worries now.
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