I need an E (key)

14 Sep 2005
Burnham, Bucks
Take one new Macbook.

Then leave said Macbook open over night and one laptop destroying cat called Charly (pic of him after he overheated my work Toshiba):

The result?

He's actually snapped the white plastic tab on the back of the E key. :( Anyone know where I can get a Macbook key cheap? I can remove the bits I need from any key so doesn't need to be an E.
I think they are all one bit, take it too a mac store and ask, but pretty sure they will replace the whole part

I will be near Westfield a bit later so might go and ask in the Apple shop there then if it's open.

Anyone want a black cat?
It was karma biting you in the ass for running Windows on it tbh :p

Seriously though, Apple Store is probably your best bet- with a bit of luck they might fix it there and then if they have a spare in store
you think its bad with out an E, try playing WoW without A, Z, Q, W, esc and tab and i dont even have a cat :(

i needed A the most so i copied it and then pasted it when i needed to talk. keyboard lasted me about 6 years, would have loved to know how many characters i'd type in that time

How did it go?

I'd forgotten it was Sunday yesterday and I wouldn't have been able to get to the Apple store after football in time. In the meantime I've found a couple of ebay sellers who sell keys for £1 - £1.50 including postage so will probably go for one of those. :)

As it's so cheap I've decided to forgive the moggie for now. ;)
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