I need an FPS/SURVIVAL game but need help

27 Mar 2016
Bristolian living in Swindon
Hi all

I have given up with PUBG now so need a new FPS game to play some hours on, I was considering Escape from Tarkov but a lot of people on here with higher spec systems seem to be having issues with it, so i dont want to spend money on it if it will just keep having issues...

Can anybody recommend something please or give me hope that Tarkov might run ok?

Game must be:

Realistic (not into futuristic/aliens)
Good online community (Always game online never campaign)

I have SQUAD, ARMA3, CSGO, H1Z1 and SCUM

Thank you for any recommendations
If you like Squad and A3 you'll love Tarkov. Bit of a steep learning curve in regards to ammo/weapons/armor compared to the simplicity of PUBG but it all clicks in after a while.

There are occasional hitches and stutters but nothing game breaking, they can happen at inopportune moments though :D I run an 8700k and 1080ti with mostly high settings and don't see that many dips. Any dips i do see are normally experienced by others in the group at the same time so it's server side.

Sound needs some work, verticality isn't brilliant...thats part of the next big patch.

They've got a sale on at the mo, pick up the cheapest version, everything in more expensive versions can be obtained in game.

Thats good to hear, i may pull the trigger (excuse the pun)

I've been watching plenty of streamers playing it and everytime i think 'lets buy it'... Do i click Pre-order or buy as a gift on the EFT website? Its currently £26
Covid 19
Great game


Good shout, Massively multiplayer aswell

They're all pre-order as it's beta :) VPN somewhere without a tax surcharge ;) I've heard this works, not done it personally though as bought it on launch years ago as was eager to play.

Ahh ok will click pre-order then and go for it, may aswell... :p You heard it works, from someone who knows someone :p
I'm massively biased as Squad is the only game that I play, but have you considered joining a clan of some sort?
The game is completely different when you play with a team...against a team...who play objectives and know their kit, roles and responsibilities.

I'm sure most games are different in the same situation, but jumping into a match on a random server, with random players, with little comms and no leadership can make Squad quite a dull game.

I found Squad dull like you said because I have hardly any PC gaming friends or they only play PUBG... I'd love to be involved In a squad that takes it serious and goes for the objectives
Another vote for Escape from Tarkov. It can run on lower spec machines and still look pretty and in either case, although the visuals are important, it's a game where what really matters is how you play and what you can hear. I play it on my laptop which is an i5 8750h (i think), 16gb RAM and a 1060 6gb and it runs fine.

I'm currently in the process of downloading it... Can't wait to get into the game and get used to how in depth it is... I'm sure it will take a while but it'll be worth it...

Well I have the following specs so the game should be alright settings wise

Ryzen 2600
ASUS B450M motherboard
16gb 3200mhz DDR4
RX570 4gb (awaiting delivery of RX590 8GB)
EVGA 500w Power supply
Was exactly in the same boat. None of my mates play PC games and I didn't know anyone in the community. Random game and server hopping.

If you want to be a part of something, join me in a few games if you like.
1) In Squad, look for the Royal Battalion server. We play for laughs but also have a competitive team. If there are 2-3 of us in a single squad, then its usually game/objective time.
2) Join the RB discord (https://discord.gg/Jw5TQp) while in game and you can be part of our community while a game is on.

See if you like it or not, no win no fee! :). I've said a loads of times in here, Squad only comes alive when your actively and consistently playing in a team that works and talks together.
I use the same name in gameplay so i'll stand out a bit for you.

Thanks for the offer, I'll get it all installed back on the PC, will be nice to get involved properly and play with the same bunch of people

Apex Legends is F2P? A bit space aliens but not ridiculously so.

I've seen gameplay and I'm not 100% sure if I'll enjoy it tbh but thank you for the recommendation

Not seen this one, will have a look now, cheers

Hunt Showdown, I've lost so many hours to it I have missed out on all the other games in the last couple of years

It's horror based but PVP with other hunters and if you die you lose your hunter, great for anxiety

It's on offer right now on Steam too

This one sounds quite interesting, will search it up now, thanks
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