I need help to get a relative fit/healthy.

28 Apr 2009

I hadn't seen my cousin for a while because he's got various serious mental health disorders that render him unable to leave the house much. I went to see him the other day and he's put on a substantial amount of weight. he's 6ft 2" and comes in at 23 stone with a fairly protruding belly. We spoke about it and he's quite up for doing work to remedy the situation as best he can but with the caveat that he doesn't go out.

I guess this is largely going to be down to food intake for the most part but I've got an exercise bike that I'm going to take around for him at the end of the week. What can we do that will get him losing noticeable weight as soon as possible?

Suggestions that we can build around the bike and some advice from those that use a bike on what we cane expect it do for him would be very, very welcome. :)
Work out the amount of calories his body needs daily. There are several online calculators which can help with this.

Then reduce this amount by 200-300 calories, use an app such as My Fitness Pal to track daily calorie intake. Initially he should be able to lose weight relatively easy just by making slight changes in his diet, however he will eventually plateau and that is when exercise will need to be introduced.

Ofc exercising from day 1 will speed up the process as the greater the calorie defecit the quicker the weight will come off. However it is important to note, you cannot out train a bad diet. It is 80% key to weight loss.

Yeah, we've already had a mini clear out of sorts in regards to the ridiculous amount of Coca Cola he had in the house. Replaced that with a few crates of Evian for the time being. He'll basically drink anything as long as it's cold so staying of the Coke shouldn't be too bad as long as he can get the sugar elsewhere. I don't think we're going to wean him off the food he likes straight away but in compromise we are going to be seriously reducing the portions taken in.

I was generally after a routine we could use with the bike. What sort of distances and how long he should be using it initially? I'd like to get that routine started as soon as possible, the weekend to be honest.
I'm thinking that about 15 minutes of moderate cycling per day for the first week or so and then bumping him up in 5 minute increments until we get to about 45 minutes?

EDIT: Thread seems to have dies extremely rapidly. :( Never mind, we'll sort something out.

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