I need some free software...

25 Sep 2006
Hi guys,

My brother let me copy a Mix CD a DJ from a club gave him. It has loads of kl remixes of songs that are sorta chilled/dance music with a bit of feel good in there. however its just one huge hour long audio file!

I had some video editing software i could use to do audio, but it'l be a very long process. Is there any software out there that i could just clip the track in about 12 places to break it up (and create 12 seperate files), to make skiping through it easier? Or do i need to crop the whole file in the appropriate places and delete the bits i dont want and the save that section i do want?

Sorry if its confusing!

Any help is greatley appreiciated.


Benny C

Hope this is in the right place, if not Mods please move as appropriate :)
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