I need some new Breaks - Recommend me some.

18 Oct 2002
I know there are a few other breaks people on this forum. I need some new stuff to listen to. Nothing I've heard of late is really taking a grip. Can anyone recommend some really nice dirty messed up breaks to satisfy my needs.

If not dirty, just some nice pounding breaks to fill my head with.
Dirty isn't really my area of expertise, but try

Culprit 1 - Tricks (Rogue Element remix)
Drum Monkeys - Batty Batucada (Plaza de Funk remix)

EDIT: and breaks is totally alive right now.
Ben Westbeech - Get Closer (lovers mix)

This song blew me away when i heard it, was around a month ago in a club up my way Fabio and Grooverider were dj'ing, they droped this track. Quite like some of his other stuff too.
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