I need to know about Flash drives.



26 Jun 2005
Im having a convo am msn and this girl needs to know about flash drives and there "Different" features and i didnt know they came with features.

Heres the convo

..Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
ok i need ** help but

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
coz u know bout computers and stuff
I need a name says:

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
do u know anything about flash drives

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
i have to do an IP essay on them

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
comparing a few different kinds and there features

I need a name says:
USB sticks in other words?

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
which one would be the best

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
yeah pretty much

I need a name says:
which flash drive?

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
like for a computer

I need a name says:
you want to know the best USB stick on the market?

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
u know when u save stuff

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:

I need a name says:

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
well not the best, but i just have to find 3 different sorts and then compare them

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
and pick the one i think would be most worthwhile buying

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
like in regards to being reliable, having lots of storage space etc

I need a name says:
oh like camera memory aswell?

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
and make like a report type thing about it

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
well just a flah drive with different functions

I need a name says:
that is kinda confusing

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
alright this is the actual task:

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
You are to research flash drive devices. Find out how they work and how reliable they are for storing information . As well, investigate costs. You should look at least three different types and give your recommendation for one of them for the Fliders university SRC. Because only one flash drive will be bought in bulk, to sell to the student population of the uni, you need to reccomend a flash

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
drive that is not only reliable and economical but one that will handle a variety of course requirements

...Rh[!]aNn0n... ...i don't believe that anyboby feels the way i do, about you now... says:
the scenario is: flash drives have become very popular with students at flinders university . The SRC is considering a bulk order of flash drives so that students will be able to buy them at reduced prices. As an information Technology consultant you have been asked to research flash drive devices on the market and submit a written report on your findings to the SRC

Can you pleasse solve this, its for some stupid IT home work she got and the whole way that is written confuses me :confused:
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Tell her do her own research. :rolleyes: not really difficult is it? Just browse a electrical catalogue, write down the various types, and find info about them.
Flash drives are the USB kind btw (Plug and Play types). Erm all i can think of is sizes :confused: My brother has a 256mb one and says its not enough for his uni work? Im sure they're all pretty reliable... Not sure what else tbh.
Beenom said:
Flash drives are the USB kind btw (Plug and Play types). Erm all i can think of is sizes :confused: My brother has a 256mb one and says its not enough for his uni work? Im sure they're all pretty reliable... Not sure what else tbh.

Thats what is confusing me :confused:
I know there is SD cards but arnt they mainly for things like phones and cameras :confused:
They're solid state (unlike hard drives which have moving mechanical parts) and so I think they're more reliable.

Sizes...128MB, 256MB, 512MB, 1GB, 2GB are most common

They're pretty cheap to buy these days, and are nice a small to carry around. Better than the old floppy disks anyway.

Ah I can't be bothered with this, it's Sunday! :p
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