I need to learn SQL Queries

3 Feb 2003
Sydney, Australia

I'm an accountant and all the data in our new accounting package (Epicor) sits in SQL databases.

Whilst the system comes with a very usable interface and reporting suite I think it's prudent that I learn how to get at the raw data underneath just incase anything goes wrong.

Sooo... does anyone have recommendations on how to learn how to look up information on an SQL database? There's so much information out there it's hard to know where to begin.
You could also do with getting a database diagram of your database so you know how it is all structured.

A graphical SQL tool might also be of interest as an intermediate step. The one that springs to mind, and which I've used from time to time, is BI-Query from Hummingbird. This allows you to write models and queries using a GUI interface that can be run against different DBs. If you don't know SQL then it's quicker, though it's no substitute to learning SQL. It also allows you to compile your own reports and models for other people to use easily.

You can see the raw SQL generated but in the version I used it wasn't exactly pretty or clear so I wouldn't particularly recommend it for this purpose. But for generating your own queries and reports it's fine.

The only downside is that once you've learnt SQL you'll probably find it easier to write the SQL than to use something like BI-Query. The price of knowledge I guess!
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