I-Pod Headphones....which?

28 Jul 2003
South Wales
Got it down to these two...

sennheiser MX500 or CX300.

I'm thinking more along the lines of the CX300's and i've seen them for £18 which i think is a bit of a bargain.

Don't want to pay much more than £20-£25 really....
i will be getting a pair of the cx300s as they come recommended very highly in stuff magazine
ive just got my lass some CX300's and was listening to them today,
they really are good buds.

and mate... you can get them a lot cheaper than 20-25 ;)

i've seen them for £18-£20...

going to try and order some today i think.

spent 3 hours last night loading my ipod up with tunes. Well, spent 20 mins loading it and the rest sorting the names and groups of all the tracks :mad:
got my cx300s from the high street cost me 30 but i dont mind at least i have them now and am well impressed god bless noise canceltion(sp) phones lol
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