**** i push it, push it some more?

16 May 2005
Sorry about the bad title ;)
running P4 prescott 2.8 @ 3.1 on hyper4 HSF and just on windows it is running at 50C, upped voltage a smidge and FSB is on 222.5 multiplier on 14.. runs stable enough but prime 95 on tortchure died on first one, think it is cos cheapo ram :D and recommendations?
well did get to 3.2 but well, photoshop wouldnt open due to hardware failure :D oops think it is time for new ram as CPU temp was only on 54C
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well i got to 3.4 on 5:4 n died again when i restarted it wouldnt boot, so think i need new ram n e way.. any recommendations?
well i do a lot of video stuff on the pc and photoediting so really need the 2gb...... what do u all recommend as replacemend for my current ram then?
hehe aww well, prime95 died after 1 min :S wonder if it is the ram then?? CPU voltage on 1.413 FSB on 237 and ram ratio on 5:4
LoL, well i got up to FSB250mhz and was at 3.5ghz, n just shut down when i tried to open photoshop :D ahh well thank god it reset its self.. cool thing is i can run at just under 3.3 on HSF(92mm on hyper4 HS) and only at 48C :D defiantly new ram time..

OCZ or Geil?? (need DDR400 2x512)
np, will see what FSB it is cos cant remember off the top of my head, sure it was a 800...
msn me on [email protected] about the ram too :) will see what can afford, n stuff n if all good will sort it all out wit ya.

oww got up to 3.512ghz (FSB250.9 n bus-speed of 1003.6 :) but died on me after about 15 min of messing in PS-CS2
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