I regret going 1440p

22 Mar 2014
I'm running 1440p/144hz and happy with a 1070, sure in some games some settings get dropped, but if I keep the minimum at 60 anything else is a bonus which I wouldn't get on a 60hz screen, also with 144hz when playing twitch shooters and games with lesser requirements the higher fps helps, chasing ultra is a fools journey, get a card that can do ultra but cling on until medium/high is the most it'll do then you can upgrade.

REALLY REALLY good news with nVidia now supporting Freesync, I can finally use a feature that I've had to drop since upgrading from my dead R9 290 back in 2016.
21 Oct 2011
Still game at 1080p myself. I will be replacing the trusty old GPU in my sig with a shiny new RTX2070 in just over a week, so I should be able to max all settings and get a constant 60fps+
10 Jan 2013
My wife wants a bigger monitor than her 24" 1080p 60hz panel but ive been told anything bigger than 24" you need to get 1440p at least, but i really dont wanna be spending tons on her pc to keep it able to game well at 1440p so ive held off.
Shes got a geforce 970 and ryzen 3 1200 in her pc atm.
18 Oct 2002
I bought a 1440p 144HZ monitor a couple of years ago from OCUK. For the first year or so I loved it, but after the novelty of it wore off I can't help but wonder if i made the wrong choice. Gaming at 1440p is becoming more and more expensive, especially if your like me and want to run at high refresh rates consistently over 100fps. The last two months I have been looking at building a new PC as mine is showing its age now, but I keep coming unstuck when I look at what GPU to get. Seeing as SLI is all but dead now, I pretty much have to go with either a 2080/2080ti or possibly the new AMD VII in order to guarantee high fps at 1440p, and they are all so bloody expensive. I am seriously debating going back to 1080p so I can play at 144hz and not get my pants down.

Am I mad, or does anyone else feel the same way?

Strange, I have a 1440p screen and had no issues with a RX480, then eventually got a Vega when it was cheap with a game I wanted anyway also bringing the price down.

Because there is this thing you can do. Don't turn on monumentally performance destroying graphics settings that offer little to no IQ improvement. DoF reduces performance and actively reduces IQ. If you're looking at a part of the screen where it's working, because you're looking at it... it shouldn't be working and it's not realistic it's just blurring an image you're trying to focus on. If you're not looking at it you're burning excess power for no benefit. Motion blur, same deal, ultra shadows which look all but identical to high but uses 20% more power because once in every blue moon one shadow looks marginally different but you can only notice it if you stop and stare at the ground for hours and you literally can't notice it while running through a level shooting at people.... yeah, turn that off.

If people insist on going into a graphics menu and whacking everything to ultra/mega modes or "we added this because Nvidia wanted to sell more high end cards" settings (they are often not called that in game) then you'll have a hard time maintaining FPS. If you actually sensibly go through settings and turn things down only to find little to no IQ change but a significant performance bump, then playing at 1440p is no problem.

Also you know, set the game to 1080p and let scaling help with the rest.

What I find with gaming is people paint themselves into these artificial corners where 1440p isn't working for you... even though choosing 1080p in the game is an option, you just won't use it. But like I said, I've never had an issue with a game where framerate is peeing me off. Freesync helps in some games, but I generally have high enough refresh rate in general that I'm not bothered. This is from someone who points out to people for years that 120hz is better than 60hz even for desktop work let alone gaming. But this is also someone who tells you that the difference between 60hz/fps and 80fps is much bigger than the difference between 80 and 100 hz/fps, which is much bigger than the difference between 100 and 120, etc.

It's very much a diminishing returns situation. Stop getting hung up on ultra settings, realise that in probably 95% of games the top couple of settings minor or no real IQ gains for potentially 50% performance penalty.

THe rare game is so badly optimised that there is little difference between high and even lowest settings and you're getting 50fps either way... but at 1080p in those games you'd probably end up with 60fps because the bottlenecks are all over, cpu, gaming and strange limitations in engines like 60fps caps tied to physics engines (screw you Bethesda). Some games are going to run poorly no matter what, the rest can almost all be made to run great on even midrange cards at higher resolutions.
23 Jul 2009
I couldn't go back to 1080p. I'd rather go back to 60hz if I had to choose. I mean, I'm quite happy with anything over 80fps with gsync smoothing it all out in more demanding games. I don't need to be locked at my max refresh to enjoy a game. As long as its over 60fps I'm not complaining.
11 Mar 2005
Leafy Cheshire
It's very much a diminishing returns situation. Stop getting hung up on ultra settings, realise that in probably 95% of games the top couple of settings minor or no real IQ gains for potentially 50% performance penalty.

As above, one of my 1080ti's runs at 1440p 100 - 144hz very nicely indeed even on max / ultra in loads of titles, in some cases you just need to notch one or two settings down a peg.

Going back to 1080p is a huge downgrade.

Buy a console and put the 1990s behind you. Seriously, you'll look back on this period of your life in about 10 years time and wonder what you were doing

Can't deal with the 30fps slideshow, hopefully next gen will sort this.
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21 Nov 2004
It depends if you value eye candy over the experience. You could change your gaming habits, by avoiding the more demanding games until you can build a new PC at a reasonable price.

My PC is very old and I game at 1080p, but every time I think about upgrading I remind myself of all the games I bought on Steam and never played.
25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
I choose high quality graphics settings over 1440p every time. 1440 is nice to have but not as nice as high refresh and great graphics.

1080p is fine for gaming. The best place to be, I find, is just slightly behind the curve - I'll take almost as good at half the price happily - that's a win.
Man of Honour
19 Oct 2002
I still have a 1600p monitor (Dell 3007 at 2560 x 1600). I have had it for 11 years and it's only now with my Vega 64 that I can finally whack things up to high quality and still maintain native Res. Back in 2007 it was just about impossible to do that but I always prioritised smooth frame rate over graphics quality. That may have been because I was very much into playing online FPS games.

I still love the vertical real estate of that monitor :)
25 Nov 2004
On the road....
I was in a similar dilemma, initially had 5760x1080 surround which was great for racing / flight Simulators but a bit meh otherwise, nearly bought a 1440/144 but decided I’d be putting myself in a situation where I’d be chasing FPS to get the best from it so decided against.

Now got a 43” LG 4K 60Hz HDR tv as my monitor and it’s beem a great purchase, it defaults 4096x2160 4K and my 1080ti rocks along at a happy locked 60fps ultra with pretty much everything I throw at it, if I do see a dip I just dial back a few settings which still looks great @4K so you don’t miss out.

To be honest though, the best thing I’ve done in years PC gaming wise is stop running FPS counters unless I’m testing- it’s surprising how much you tend to concentrate on frame rate rather than enjoying the game!
17 Jan 2015
Buy a console and put the 1990s behind you. Seriously, you'll look back on this period of your life in about 10 years time and wonder what you were doing


You are wasting money

In 2017 I swapped an LG 34" 1080P/60 monitor, GTX970 for an Acer Predator X34A 1440P/Gsync and GTX 980 Ti. All in all, the upgrade end up seeing me best part of a grand out of pocket.

Complete waste of time and money if you ask me. I'm getting about 60fps average on medium-high settings on Far Cry 5 and about 80-100 on the driving games I normally play which is pretty good if you ask me, on paper at least; but in all honesty for the amount I spent there's only really a small difference from what it was before (although the lack of tearing is welcome). In the fast paced games, I'm honestly struggling to any difference in detail owing to the higher resolution, and OK, I can tell when I look for it in the likes FC5 but its not really made the game any more enjoyable really.

And that's before we get to the flaws of that very expensive monitor. Backlight bleed in the corners is quite clearly visible on very dark scenes, and when its overclocked to 100Hz I can see scan lines on Windows applications. Don't get me wrong otherwise its a good screen but honestly, not worth the money at all. I wish I hadn't bothered in some ways. I would have been better off getting a 4K TV - I would have had a bigger screen with better image quality for less money. I could have continued using my 970 which honesty ran fine at 1080P and the TV would have upscaled so although not true 4K it would have still looked good - dare I say it possibly still even better than what I have now.

And I know its not related to this thread, but I work in IT and frankly I despise Windows, I hate having to maintain it and put up with its bugs and glitches and random sporadic performance issues.

This will honestly be last gaming PC, in fact, might be even be my last PC full stop; in fact I am actually contemplating whether I could sell all my parts and just get a PS4 and a 4K TV and pocket some money in all honesty. PC Master Race, I keep being told... meh.
24 Dec 2015
I'm still running my SLI 780's but they are on their final legs now in terms of usability. Still great cards for what they were, but lack of vRAM has become apparent at 1440p. 2017 I didn't really struggle at all, but 2018 has really shown their age, I played Destiny 2 for a couple of months at 1440p and for the most part I was averaging 70fps, occasionally dipping into the 60's, but its definitely time for an upgrade. Its just the cost of new cards that has really startled me, £600 minimum really for a card for me to carry on gaming the way I have the passed couple of years, and that just seems so high. I bought both my 780's for considerably less than that. A second hand 1080ti is probably going to be the way forward for me.
1 Jun 2004
I bought a 1440p monitor in 2012 but I still game on my 1080p. I really don’t see much difference, when you’re playing a good game you’re too engrossed to start picking up on differences.
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