I think I scored one similar once

That rivals Zolas back heel in the FA Cup for me. Fantastic goal.

What a goal! Its one of those goals that would be plasted on tv if it was scored by a gay portugese or a midget argie.
Wasn't that long ago that Ronaldo scored a back heel on the floor and in the box and the media spunked all over the place.
If he intended that then fair play, that is incredible.

I can't see what else he could have possibly been intending. Stunning goal.
That rivals Zolas back heel in the FA Cup for me. Fantastic goal.

This is better than Zola's. Zola was so close to goal that once it was on target there was nothing the keeper could do unless it just hit him. This was a good 15 yards out and the only way he'd have scored was to lob the keeper like he did.

Obviously there's a huge amount of luck involved but incredible none the less.
I can't see what else he could have possibly been intending. Stunning goal.

This is better than Zola's. Zola was so close to goal that once it was on target there was nothing the keeper could do unless it just hit him. This was a good 15 yards out and the only way he'd have scored was to lob the keeper like he did.

Obviously there's a huge amount of luck involved but incredible none the less.

i think he was intending to knock it on or get a touch on it as it fell behind him at an awkward angle to do anything else with it, it's a great goal, but never in a million years could he do the same even if he tried.
I think that's the thing with it, why some players are given more attention than others. Some players mean it, we know they mean it - and they could do probably do it again.

While that goal was amazing, it was a fluke no doubt about it.
He definitely meant it - you can tell by the way he watches it after he lands. His eyes are straight on the goal as opposed to the player on the back post which could have been the only other intended target.

It was audacious and more often than not the keeper would save it but he wanted to get power in it and aim it at the goal so no way was it a fluke.
Stunning goal! I think it is clear that he intended to hit it towards the goal, the fact that it was a perfect connection to lob the keeper was fortunate.
Aye, Matty Burrows.

Great goal and great name.

Not only do Glentoran have their own tv channel, it's in HD.

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