I think it's broke

31 Oct 2005
Hi there,

Only a few posts I know but i thought I would share my story.

I decided tonight that putting my car from gear 3 into 2 was a good idea!

Was going down a hill doing around 70-80 in 3rd, went for 4th and hit 2nd.... dunno how because normally it dosn't go down into lower gear easy but this went in and now the engine dosn't want to work...lol

Just wondering if any one on here might know what might have gone. It turns over....sort of, it feels like there is no compresion but I dunno. I am getting it towed later today and am going to begin striping the engine down, just wondering if any one could suggest somewhere to start.

Thanks, Doug.
Sorry forgot to give car :D

Car is a Rover 214.... not the best of cars i know but i love it :D

THe car turns over on the key but really quickly like there is no compression, it also turns over on bump but again is hard for like one stroke then really move really quickly.

I think that the rev's where way above the limit (limit 7000 aprox....I saw needle below 8000 :eek: ) I know a bit about cars and engines so im going to give taking apart the engine later today.

Thanks, Doug.
If it is just bent valves then that is a lifesaver! Would it not have damaged the piston though?

Thanks Wolseley, you have given me hope! (I have been thinking like big-end snapped, crankshaft gone into about 548759037 pieces or just something worse!!)

Thanks, Doug.
That's cool, thanks for your help.

I will be getting a Haynes manual today and that will be the first place I will look. I must ask, I have never taken apart a car engine before (most other things just not the head etc)

How hard would anyone say it is and would a novice DIYer with SOME tools to take it apart? I understand have to line up timings etc but just an overall hardness and the sort of tools needed.

(can buy more tools though, do actully want to have the tools so I can do things to the car again + mates cars)

Thanks again, Doug.

I was waiting for it! Funily enough the first thing that I thought of was HG has blown!

Something else I have just thought of is ONCE when it was turning over it went POOF. It wasn;t quite a bang it was more of a POOF....can't explain but i guess it means it's doing something! :D
Well, the car is now back on my drive.

I have had the top cover off just to see if there was anything I could see. All looks well under there but taking off the head is when I reckon I will see horrible things :rolleyes:

Will be taking off inlet manifold tomorrow and will try and begin taking the cambelt etc off but it requires the engine mount off and then the engine lowered, highered etc to get to places... Anyone know how much an engine stand/crane is these days and how hard it is to get the engine out?

Thanks, Doug.
The first thing I checked was the cambelt and it is all fine....a little slack but fine. Also I checked the cam sprockets and they still seem like they are lined up.
I think and hope it is a bent valve(s) because that is the next cheapest thing!

Any more help would be great though!

Thanks again, Doug.
Thanks to all that have helped me!

I have looked into it further and I am beginning to belive that the bottom crank (should be TDC?) is on the TDC mark and the top cam sprocket thingys are not lined up.

I canot be sure that it is on the TDC mark as the engine needs to be dropped down slightly to see the marks, this will be happening later today or tomorrow (when the rain stops!)

Thanks to all, Doug.
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