I think my back brake is sticking?

20 Aug 2007
Hi guys,

Slight issue with my bike, I've noticed it in the last few weeks since it's been really cold/gritters out; my brakes started to get squeaky (front and back) and sometimes feel a bit spongy.

Recently though I've noticed that when I try and get my bike out of the garage in the morning, I try and wheel it back whilst sitting on it, at certain points it will be really hard to push back (as if a certain part of the disk is sticking or something?) then will roll freely again for a few feet until that part of the disc comes back round to the caliper

I'm borrowing a paddock stand over the weekend to get the back end up in the air, I'm fairly novice to servicing, but is there anything I should look out for?

Ahh, now you say chain - I did recently replace my chain because my old one was stretched and floppy (giggity), I applied some WD-40 chain wax (spray can) about 2 weeks ago, do I need to be using it more often than that?
Ahh ok, I need to work out how to get my back brakes off.. think it could be haynes manual time.. forgive my stupidity on this but is there anything I can take off that I won't be able to A) put back on again once removed, B) can leak and dribble etc?
Ah ok, it's a 14 plate sport style bike so I imagine they all use a similar system? Would I have to search anything specific on youtube do you think or are they all very much the same?
Update - Sooo I managed to successfully take apart, clean and rebuild my rear brakes, I used brake cleaner on all components and applied some light grease to the back of the pads/spring and pistons, reassembled and unbelievably it still worked!

It helped initially free up the back wheel, but this morning after a night in the cold garage it had seized again slightly.

I've been told I should make sure that the piston that pushes into the rear master cylinder is going in straight and true because this could make it seize, especially if the bike has been dropped.

My bike has only gone over once, and that was very gently being lowered onto gravel because I lost my footing and couldn't hold it up.

If it's not the above issue, can anyone else suggest why it could be binding when left standing for a while?


I took the calliper apart, cleaned the top edges of the pistons, rested a pad on both and use mal-grips to push them back in after cleaning, then I took the pad off, applied copper ease liberally and rebuilt it.

Now I'm getting an issue I've had before on my front brake, I can't remember exactly what caused it but basically if I apply my front brake decently hard the bike shudders at the front end as it's slowing down, it kinda feels like it's lurching up and down on the front forks rapidly.. I remember phrases like "head something out of alignment" and perhaps a warped front disc, but this has happened twice within like 4000 miles, is that bad?

After a few days riding I can confirm that it's very definitely front brake sticking, when I first start up and try and wheel my bike backwards off the drive it totally jams up every one rotation on the disc and I have to really put my back into moving it!

Once I'm riding the bike pulls off forward easily but I notice if I leave my revs lower (for just cruising along) then try and accelerate to overtake, the bike really struggles, I then have to drop a gear or two to build up some speed.

Also I notice over 40mph + I can feel the front end of the bike shuddering, I'm guessing the disc is warped?

After about 10 minutes (not using the front brake at all) it starts to loosen up, my acceleration improves and it doesn't stick anywhere near as much. Also the shuddering starts to decrease as it heats up.

When I get into work I tested the temp of the brake disc this morning and you could have fried an egg on it.

Thoughts please guys? Is it without question a new disc I need or could the pads/callipers have anything to do with it?

Still haven't got round to this, I've tried riding without using the front brake at all for the last few times, the disc is still red hot but not actually got round to doing it yet, temporarily I just blast the inside of the calliper with brake cleaner and don't use the brake, tends to help a lot to start with!
Red hot discs with little to no use its not a good sign :p
Are both discs red hot or just one? If it was me I would be ordering a new piston seal kit this week and sorting this weekend, brakes not working correctly will not end well ;)

Well the rear one is hot after riding but that is the only brake I'm using at the moment, trying to use engine compression to slow me steadily to not overuse the rear brake.

The front one is hot from 0% usage! :P

I'm totally reliant on my rear brake at the moment, and I took that apart and cleaned it a few weeks ago (for the first time I've ever done it)! :eek:
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