I think my bikes too small???

10 Jun 2010
Well, I took my CBR600 FS1 out for it's first spin today, only up and down a country road.

I fear I may be too large for the bike, I'm 6'2 and no stranger to a sausage supper. While I'm not documentary fat, I'm still a big guy.

I felt like I was over crowding the bike and when I tucked in and put my head down, my knees and elbows as good as passed each other.

I heard from a few people I may be too large for sports bikes? I hope this isn't the case. Is it just this bike? Is it supposed to feel smallish to me?

I honestly don't have anything to compare it with being a new rider, my training bike was a CB500 and while it was small it was relatively comfortable, yes I did swamp it in a way... but it never interfered with the ride if that make sense.

Any tips or advice?
I second this. I'm not exactly a small chap myself, but the RSV is a very roomy bike and I can happily do several hundred miles on it without needing surgery on my arse.

I laughed at that. I was pretty comfy on the bike and I don't think I'd be sore riding it for a prolonged period of time.

I'm sure I'll be fine, thanks for all the reassurance. One thing... It's a hell of a lot more difficult to control than the bike I trained on, wow! the throttle is very twitchy compared to the CB500. Obviously it was the first time I was on the bike and it will take some getting used to.
It's an fs1, so a 2001 model? I understand that the early fuel injection was sketchy on those. I had a 2000 model cbr600f, Y reg, and it was hard to be smooth at low revs. Is that the kinda thing you're experiencing?

I think the CBR has a short cockpit, I had an Aprilia RS125 before the Honda and that was more spread out. I'm 5 foot 9 and I've gotta say the riding position never felt 100% right.

It is indeed an FS1, not quite as forgiving as the standard CBR600F. It's a sort of hybrid between the RR and F. So no ****ging haha.

It's probably just because it was my first time on it and me being new to riding.
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