i think my cagiva mito has siezed :(

22 Nov 2010
Hey guys,

My front exhaust pipe broke yesterday so I got a arrow race exhaust to replace it, so I fitted it at work today and ride home after, only 3miles, now it seems like it's restricted, I've lost so much power, now just as I got onto the drive, it started bogging down and cut out and will no longer fire up.

The bike moves still so there's still moment in the cylinder, what could I have don't to my mito! :(
It's a 2000 model so it has no kick start just a electric starter, it's also a full power model from the factory.

I always check oil before I use the bike and always use castrol power1 fully synthetic oil
I shall have a look at that tomorrow, so dose my bike need re-jetting now? If so any idea what jets I need?
I only have the arrow expansion chamber, I'm still using the oem cagiva silencer, I'm going to get a new spark plug tomorrow, what would cause the servo to stop working? I know the part you are talking about, I did not touch it at all, just swapped the exhaust over and kept everything just as it was.

Why would it not start up again though, I'm going to have a look at it again tomorrow, when I changed the exhaust, the bike would no longer idle, i dont really want to have to do a top end rebuild, trying to save for a big four stroke, plus the mito is going to be turned into a Sunday blast with a big bore kit and 34mm carb when I'm finished with it
Yeh I'll get a new one anyway, haven't replaced it since I got it, and it was sat for 7 years before I got it lol

Also, I want to change the gearbox oil, I've searched and can't get a definite answer, so.. what gearbox oil do I need?
Put your hand over the exhaust and kit it over with the ignition off.

If you've replaced the exhaust and not rejetted then you could have a holed piston, lack of back pressure through the exhaust will indicate if this is the case.

Two stroke tuning is a fine art, you can't just stick a an expansion chamber or big bore kit on and expect everything to run just fine.

sorry what do you mean by kit it over?
i hope this is not the case, i got the road approved pipe aswell so i did not have to tinker with it

this is what i got

Cagiva Mito 125 Arrow Front Exhaust Pipe 1994-2006 Road Aproved
Little update guys, I checked the servo valve and that's working fine, cleaned the spark plug up and it's sparking, i can feel abit of pressure from the exhaust when I try to start it, the only thing I can think of is a fuel issue, but i checked the fuel line from the rank to the carb and it's clear.

Anything else I can try?
Compression is fine, got the bike fired up again but it's now idleing at 3500rpm instead of 1000rpm.

I stripped the carb and cleaned it out, it has 65 65 120 jets, any idea what I should change them to?
yep reeds and reed valve fine, carb fine, airbox fine.

i tryed adjusting that knob on the side of the carb but i cant get the bike started again, so i cant really do anything with that yet until it fires up again

any idea why it was idleing at 3500rpm? it used to idle at 1000rpm
found out the problem guys, i checked the compression with a tool that my neighbor has, turns out that its only pushing out 75psi instead of 110psi, so it now needs a top end rebuild as well.

damn it, knew it would come to a rebuild, i have not got the time to do it atm and i need it running again asap, is there anywhere i can get it rebuilt and set up? i would prefer to send it to a well known 2stroke re builder, again who and where?
well i was abit suspicious about the top end for a few days, was running fine but it started to make like a clunking sound, but the exhaust was getting worse so i thought it was that, it needed replacing anyway,

so it must have already giving in then the new exhaust just topped it off lol, i already have and he only dose bigger classic engines now, ive found a place that specializes in mito's, they are called mito mondo, going to give them a ring tommorow
Well when I bought the bike, it had been sat for 7 years do I'm going to get a complete engine rebuild, tbh, i dont think it's even been rebuilt in the past.

I gave mito mondo a ring today and he's on holiday until the 14th.
My father wants to have it off me when I'm finished with it as he wants it as a collectable, so he's paying for the re build as he wants it done anyway, just got to find a decent sports bike to fit A2 requirements, and it's not going very well atm :(
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