I thought iPhone OS was slick

16 May 2005
Cold waters
Until I saw the demo of the Palm pre's "WebOS".

Check out this video when you've got time. The guy with the red shirt starts the live software demo about 25% in.


Great to see some credible competition at last. It's clearly based on a lot of ideas from the iPhone, but Apple will have to up their game when it comes to their core OS and interface to keep up with this. One app at a time suddenly seems stone-age.
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Physical Design: Awful :/
Why is it awful?

UI: Hugely iPhone based! And it doesn't look as good.
Come on now - there are tons of nice new ideas in there. The card system for multi tasking and switching. The gesture area below the screen that means there are less toolbars taking up space. The dynamic resizing of apps and notifications so that they can share the screen and swap focus. The notification ticker that appears at the bottom. Did you watch the whole demo?
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I went and looked at every phone on the market a year ago. NOTHING came close, not one.
I'm not disputing that just about every phone is junk compared to the iPhone. I love the iPhone (had 2G, now 3G) but Palm's WebOS looks in a different class to me.

I'm not trying strong-arm you in to buying one - just appreciate some nice tech :p
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