I Touch Noob

11 Oct 2008
Death Star
What am i doing wrong? when i connect the touch to the pc after installing ITunes i get the following message " This ipod cannot be used because the required software is not installed.run the itunes installer to remove itunes, then install itunes again " which i have done and keep getting the same message. so i cant transfer CD to ipod. i dont even get the sync ipod option. help plz :confused:
This seems to be a common issue, a quick google and I found this solution on the Apple Support Forums: http://discussions.apple.com/thread.jspa?threadID=1252569

Got it to work after spending almost the entire weekend messing about with install combinations: this is what work for me when my ipod Touch was not recognised due to "required software" not being installed...

1) uninstall everything (i mean any iTunes or Quicktimes) fully including checking with the windows install cleanup utility

2)restart your computer

3) Unpackage the iTunes 7.5 bundle in a folder onto the desktop, using WinRar

4) Install other components before the iTunes itself...

i ran QuickTime.msi, and then AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi, then AppleMobileDeviceSupport.msi (i don't think the order matters and im not going to
try other combinations as it's working for me!)

5) then run iTunes.msi

6) and after finishing, it started and recognised my iPod touch
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