I want a good hifi, how much?

25 Jun 2004
in the clouds
I want a good hifi, and will have to save up. I want an idea before I start as to the £ I need. My freinds dads got a good hifi, I dont know the make but it cost a lot. It has to be left on all the time as it improves the sound, and has only 3 buttons on the front :confused: This has really inspired me to get one as the clarity is exceptional. I produce music in my spare time and have been looking at some studio monitors and an amp. I dont want to play cd's, but do want to play vinyl and hook it up to my computer/pvr for mp3's.

heres a list of requirements:

play vinyl
no cds
studio monitoring
near field

any ideas?
ok ok, I know the budget is endless, but im a poor man :( basically I want an amp with some speakers. the amp needs to have good connectivity as itll be used in a studio monitoring setup.

basically ive seen some Tannoy 600A's for £350 new and a Alesis RA300
Studio Reference Amplifier for £100.

what would be the obvious differences between this studio monitoring setup and a similar hifi one? is it that a studio setup's idea is to give a perfect ultra-linear sound and the home hifi's intentions are to colour the sound to create more depth?

ps, my budget is not over £1000, but would like to spend less than £500
ive seen "hifi" valve amps (eg Leak TL12's), these are supposed to give warmth to the sound, is that not colouration? I just want a linear sound so that when it comes to mastering I can gauge the compression/limiting exactly etc.
DRZ said:
Two questions really:

Is the room you are going to listen to them in going to be perfect?


Do you believe that on a (relatively) shoestring budget you can hope to achieve linearity over the bandwidth of even CD?

I did say that I dont want to use cd's, most of my samples are 24/96 and will be played through a soundcard, whats the best way to get the best sound from this situation? (within my budget)

Warmth might indicate colouration, but it might also indicate a lack of colouration, given that the easiest form of colouration for an amplifier to introduce is high frequency harmonics...

thanks for answering my original question :rolleyes:
sorry DRZ for the rolleyes. I just want some cheapish (by hifi standards) speakers and amps, Im no pro but I have a good ear.
thanks matblack, those suggestions give me a good starting point and something to research on :)
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