I want to come to a wedding

1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal

I've been asked to do the photography for my cousins Wedding in December and realised I've never done one! :eek:

Who here is shooting a wedding before December 19th that I can attend to see how the photographers day generally works? I'd be happy to bring my camera gear and take photos for them. This is all learning and getting experience so I'll come at my own cost ofcourse :)

I have a very professional attitude towards things like this, so there won't be any fear of me showing anyone up :p

Please let me know :)

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December???? That's a WHOLE different ball game. If people say lighting is crucial in a wedding then you are going to be in the extreme....seriously considering getting all your glass to 2.8, selling a kidney or at least hire them all.

Different people work in different ways, it depends what kind of photographs the bride and you are looking for really, which will dictate how you work.
December???? That's a WHOLE different ball game. If people say lighting is crucial in a wedding then you are going to be in the extreme....seriously considering getting all your glass to 2.8, selling a kidney or at least hire them all.

I know right :(

50mm is going to get a slap that day!

Different people work in different ways, it depends what kind of photographs the bride and you are looking for really, which will dictate how you work.

I agree, and it'll be nice to see how others work and approach it. :)

Nooooo, that baby hunts badly in low light without the IR assist. I've done a wedding in November with that, it works fine with the IR assist but you are talking about 80mm on crop and it is really long a lot of the times. I found myself constantly stepping back too because of it.

Nooooo, that baby hunts badly in low light without the IR assist. I've done a wedding in November with that, it works fine with the IR assist but you are talking about 80mm on crop and it is really long a lot of the times. I found myself constantly stepping back too because of it.

Ideally I need a 24-105 but I can't afford to hire one or buy one right now, or even better the 24-70 2.8 - lend me yours :p - 5d2 at the same time would be dam handy :D
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Ideally I need a 24-105 but I can't afford to hire one or buy one right now, or even better the 24-70 2.8 - lend me yours :p

24-70 > 24-105 for wedding photography on any given Sunday. Show me 1 wedding togs that uses the 24-105 and i'll show you 10 that uses the 24-70. IS can't slow people down, faster glass is your friend.

and no, the brick is mine ! :D

Save up £100 for December and hire one.....it is worth it !!! As your cousin to fund you, tell her it's her HER benefit.
Save up £100 for December and hire one.....it is worth it !!! As your cousin to fund you, tell her it's her HER benefit.

You've clearly never dealt with an Essex woman :p, especially one that's trying to do this on the cheap! (hence asking me to do the wedding. I originally tried to shift the work to Tom, but she wouldn't hire him, even at a heavily discounted rate :(

So if I say "I need £100 to hire a lens" all I'll get is "but you've got lenses? aren't they any good then or summink?"
Depends what you are expecting from the experience. Better lenses won't turn a crap photograph into a good one but with weddings, fast lenses are pretty crucial.
Nah in all fairness mate you should be taking what raymond is saying very seriously. the 50mm 1.8 might have a big eye but as he stated. Without af assist you'll be hitting a below average of your shots and you'll come home with a bin full.
I believe the ST-E2 can offer AF assist but it may not be as good as say my 580EX which is superb.

2.8 over IS any day mate.
I was shooting F1.2 and finding myself scraping the barrel at ISO3200. Theres a high chance of a dull day in December and your light will be gone just after you have finished your formal photographs. Bare this in mind.

EFs mount:
Your 17 - 40 will be great outdoors but inside you will be using your flash. 50mm I would be train yourself to predict its AF. I always use my back button with this lens incase it goes hunting when I don't want it to.

Get yourself to the venue asap and take snaps with your gear. Pretend you're doing your wedding and look at your results & exif data.
Go hire a 17-55 2.8 IS

What flash do you have? and do you have a Fong or Stofen?

a 430ex II and if I ask Mr Johnny nicely (and giving him a service on the weekend) he would let me borrow his 580EX - Forgot to add my ST-E2 to that list.

And no, been meaning to get a Stofen for a while.

And I'd love to hire a lens, I really would - but skintos maximus at the minute. bah
Nah in all fairness mate you should be taking what raymond is saying very seriously.

Don't think for a minute I am not. I am fully aware I'm not properly equipped to do this wedding, but after explaining this countless times they still insist on me doing it. :(
Don't think for a minute I am not. I am fully aware I'm not properly equipped to do this wedding, but after explaining this countless times they still insist on me doing it. :(


that will cost you £33 for 3 days hire.

It's over two months away. Surely you can save up £3.30 a week for the next 10 weeks. If not, how do you live?

We're not taking the **** here. It will make your life a lot easier. I'd even recommend a 24mm f/1.4 but I know not everyone digs primes.
Right, then.....

If you end up with your existing gear to do the wedding then i would incline to do the whole thing with the 17-40L with the 430EX attached.

Now and again you can try the 50mm for some candids if you have enough light. But when you are using the flash, larger aperture also means less power the flash is using. So i would carry twice as much batteries as you would if you have 2.8 glass.

Learn to observe your surroundings and be creative (even more so now), bounce light from ceiling, side walls, off someone who is wearing a white shirt even. I would expect a lot of shots in the 1600 to 3200 or even 6400 region.......so if it gets too bad, make some creative B&W !

This is ISO 2000 (yes its the 5Dii) but there are some visible noise, although i do find it quite pleasing. But at this point its around 9pm so its dark outside, and dark is dark regardless its August or December. I had to bounce the flash off a double storey Barn pitched roof (which drained my batteries badly as it needed a lot of power), so once you get inside at night, with the flash out, it's pretty even game in a way.

But if you can, hire that 17-55 2.8 IS....it could be the difference from getting twice as many keepies.
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