I want to create a blog/wesbite. Where do I start?

24 Apr 2011

I want to create mainly a blog/website. I just want to have 4 sections. One for the actual blog, one to upload photos, one for videos (linking from youtube) and one for social network.

The blog will be the main section, the rest are just add ons.

I want it to be customisable, meaning I can put my own banner, logo etc.

I tried blogger and WordPress, but none were really what i wanted. I might go more for a website, but I'm not sure what there is out there (don't really fancy freewebs).

This is just a hobby/idea that I had, so I don't want to spend a lot (if any) money on it.

Does anybody have any help please.

24 Apr 2011
Is £7 a one time payment, or a monthly/yearly thing? I want something simple. By customization i mean that I can fit in a background, logo, colors I want, add the tabs i want etc. Nothing flashy. Word press seemed very rigid. You can't change the photos given (but you can fit a background).

Social network means just a section where I link to a series of Social networking profile. Its nothing big.
24 Apr 2011
You can get a domain for about a fiver, and a years' hosting for fifteen pounds.

After that, I'd say go with wordpress. Why don't you have a google for some free word press themes? You'll be able to see the sort of wide selection of free themes that are out there, you might even find one that you like and don't feel the need to tweak it.
Yeah, I know that domains are quite cheap. i know a friend who has a few, and he got them quite cheap too.

I'll look around. Thanks :)
Can you not code it yourself? I find it quite fun..

I've recently purchased my own domain, cost £6 for 2 years and I got given hosting for free and if I ever need to pay for it, it cost £6.50 a year or £16.50 a year depending on my needs (which atm is little)

I already work 2 jobs, and I am already doing another project. While learning to code a website sounds good, I doubt I will have the time, and I won;t stick with it.

Sounds like you got a good deal there. Nice one.
24 Apr 2011
So here is the link of my blog.


Its a bit confusing until you get the hang of it (I am using the online editor, nothing downloaded).

At the moment, I have a lot of placeholders, and nothing actually written down. I did make a background though. Pretty happy with it too. The layout (which is what i worked on) looks quite nice imo. (to keep scrolling down and see more of the bk, search for 'post' and the page should be longer)

I would like to edit the actual blog, as the default black/white teams are not doing it for me. Although to edit it, I need to pay $30 a year, which tbh, I don't want to. Seems like I need to make do with what I have.

I'll see what else I can add/edit etc. and see how it goes.

Quite happy with what I have atm.
24 Apr 2011
I wrote my blog post, but in the 'blog' page, it shows the whole post, not part of it with the possibility of seeing it all if you click on it.

How do I arrange it?

Also, bottom right I have a very small twitter follow thing. Is there something similar for facebook?

I have 'larger' widgets in the blog section.
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