I want to know more about custom loop and the Case: Thermltake View 71 TG RGB



24 Aug 2017
recently I want to build a custom loop for my PC system. And meanwhile, this case have been released. So here is some questions that I want to ask:)

First, here is my target build(Sorry for terrible hand drawing:()

All components I would like to use EKWB

and later is some questions I want to ask:

1.It is support three 360 mm radiator installed in the same time?(Top Front and Right with EKWB coolstream EX 360)

1.1 if yes, will it make some difficulties in building a loop? (E.g number of fan can install of least area for putting components?)

1.2 if no, how is the best build?

2.what is the best position for fan exhaust and intake?

3.I don't know much in choosing pump for the loop, hope for some advice

4.hope for a list of fittings I should buy to build the loop ( I thinks I must missing something since I am new for it

and last, is some detail of hardware being with the loop

CPU : LGA 1151 (now is 7700k and I would like to get 8700k or i9 gen2 or Ryzen 9)
GPU: Aorus GTX 1080ti Waterforce WB Xtreme Edition
Board : ATX size
Tube : EK-DuraClear 9,5/15,9mm

And thanks for reading and help;)
should be fine for a 360 top and at the front,,for HW D5 is the best pump choice ,budget and space permitting(not familiar with the case looks like that should be fine tho) May need holes drilled to mount a pump/res combo but thats not too difficult.deffo gonna have to lose the front HDD cage tho

For fittings just pick what you like 16/10 is pretty standard but the difference in real world application is minimal,wot is your budget?

FWIW regarding Cpus,keep what you got if its just for gaming and general use,an upgrade is a waste of money and time.Unless you have use a lot threaded workloads its not worth it :)
Sounded good up to the bit where it said use Ek for everything.

They are not the only maker of equipment out there and are certainly not the best ....
:eek:I see. Then any suggestion by use of equipment?
There are lots of makers good sir, all i can say is research, research research.

Personally I'm a big Alphacool fan and also Aquacomputer (They make a particularly amazing fan controller/ temp monitor station)

I've had a run in with EK Support and still feel a little violated with the results thus my post :)

Not sure if that helps but there you go.

Maybe try this website?
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