No doubt someone will post a lovely ale casserole, but this is a alcohol-free one:
Yummy beef casserole:
To serve 4:
400g braising steak cut into chunks,
2/3 tbsp plain flour
200g peeled (but not chopped) shallots
2 cloves garlic, peeled and chopped
4 carrots, cut into large chunks, or a pack of chanteray carrots, topped
half a swede, cut into chunks
1 can chopped tomatoes
1.5 pints beef stock
200g mushrooms, cut in half
3 bay leaves
sprig of fresh thyme
salt and pepper
1. Season your flour well with s+p. Toss the beef chunks in the flour. Fry the beef with the shallots and garlic for 5 minutes, till they start to brown.
2. Stir in carrots and swede, stir, cook for around 5 mins. Put tomatoes, stock, bay leaves and half the thyme in. Bring to the boil then put the lid on and reduce heat to simmer.
3. Leave to simmer for 30 mins, then add mushrooms, simmer for another 30 mins. Put the rest of the thyme in and serve
It's divine!