I want to make a network diagram, what to use?

16 Oct 2002
In the radio shack
I'd like to knock up a decent network diagram of my system here, it's not too complicated but there are a number of devices so I'd like it documented properly.

I want to have icon-type images of each device (Mac Pro, laptop, Xbox, Wii, Time Capsule, printer, etc etc) and against each one have details such as how they connect, IP (if static), MAC address etc etc.

With Windows I'd use Visio but I'm not sure what's available for OS X. Any suggestions?
Because I want to get specific templates for each device, I don't think Lovely Charts will be any good, I'll take a look at the others and see what's about regarding trial versions.
Omnigraffle seems to be the best bet but still finding specific stencils isn't easy. It's not going that well with the trial version.


I'm missing a couple of generic network switches in there and I don't have the other two laptops (wife and daughter) because I can't find a laptop stencil, never mind specific Dell ones! There's also my server and the downstairs PC missing.

My layout is rubbish. Meh.
A better version with space to add laptops and other stuff.

Still not impressed though.

Yes, the AppleTV can connect via wifi.

Both the AppleTV and the Airport Extreme are hardwired to the Time Capsule, the Airport is extending the wireless network to increase coverage. In fact, they're both going into a small switch but I could technically plug the AppleTV directly into the Airport. I may do that when I tidy everything up under the telly.
Can an Airport Express extend both my networks on 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz both g/n ?

Thought not :p
What sort of network topology are you using anyway? :)

I'll put it simply.

ADSL modem, ethernet to the Time Capsule.
Cable from Time Capsule to switch, devices plugged into switch.
Cable from switch to another switch downstairs with devices plugged into it, one of which is the Airport Extreme.

Time Capsule and Airport Extreme all have 2.4GHz and 5.0GHz wireless networks, devices can move between the two.

How's that?
Aye, that's what I'm finding. I may have to do it at work with Visio which is something I didn't want to have to do.

Incidentally I've now got the AppleTV talking to the Airport Extreme via wireless, I'm quite surprised that the AppleTV has both 2.4 and 5.0GHz radios in it so it's talking on 5GHz and not being slowed down by my g devices on 2.4GHz. I'll also connect the Wii via wireless so I can remove the downstairs switch. They're all so close that the signal and therefore the throughput is very quick. My xbox can be cabled straight to the airport.
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