I Want To Make My Own Game, What Program To Use?

13 May 2012
Ur, Hey.

So yeah, I want to make my own game simply put it. I have a few ideas and because im new to this stuff, I will like to start of with a 2-D Game, to make it easier, and its probably gonna be in the style of pokemon and stuff.

But i don't know where to start. I am willing to pay for a cheap program, but free will also be acepted. I also want a strong community and tutorials around such program incase i get stuck.

I hope you can help and i can't wait to make a prototype :D

Thanks in advance¬! ;)
Learn C++ and OpenGL after, might take a while but its worth it plus there are good tutorials on youtube called Buckys C++ Programming. 70+ episodes but only some are 10 minutes. Not that long. BTW how old are you, hopefully above 14 otherwise no offence but you are too young but you can try, i will assume you are an adult 18+. C++ is the basis for programming and OpenGL for programming 3D orientated games, if you want 2D try python ive hear that is god for 2D programming.
Take a look here, although you'll likely need some programming experience, for me I'd learn C++ and use Unity in conjunction with XNA game studio.

Without programming knowledge though you really are stuck to some basic game making, but have a play around with everything in the link below...

https://www.dreamspark.com/ - Use the little slider under "Developer & Designer Tools" to take a look at the software.

If you sign up and verify your school, college or university, everything on that website for you is FREE.
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I did quite a lot with the OGRE engine.

Thing is to get yourself up to speed with C++, then learn something like OpenGl which is pretty, touch up on your linear algebra.
Haha, I love how some people think it's really easy to make a game... I remember when I used to be that person! After doing a 4 year Software Engineering degree and working for a couple of years, I still don't think I could maybe anything that anybody would want to play :D

There are so many variables... Have you ever done any programming before? How graphical do you want it to be? What's the target platform/hardware?

It's easy enough to make a text-based RPG in a DOS prompt using C++, will give you a good grounding if you decide to take it further. There are hundreds of beginners books that will give you a good start. The first one I got was Beginning C++ Game Programming, it gives a very good introduction to the world of Object Orientated programming, in a gaming context.
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Haha, I love how some people think it's really easy to make a game... I remember when I used to be that person! After doing a 4 year Software Engineering degree and working for a couple of years, I still don't think I could maybe anything that anybody would want to play :D

iOS, Android and facebook have changed that to some extent - though yes I completely agree, in terms of most commercial games for PC/consoles etc.. an individual has very little hope of directly competing. Modding an existing game and or playing around with a game engine could be cool though.

I remember as a kid (owning a BBC B) when books of games could be bought and the games typed in by hand... also books with guides on 'how to make your own dungeon adventure game' etc... I'd say games used to be the first thing most people attempted when learning to program and for a lot of people, the reason they learned to program in the first place.
Haha, I love how some people think it's really easy to make a game... I remember when I used to be that person! After doing a 4 year Software Engineering degree and working for a couple of years, I still don't think I could maybe anything that anybody would want to play :D

There are so many variables... Have you ever done any programming before? How graphical do you want it to be? What's the target platform/hardware?

It's easy enough to make a text-based RPG in a DOS prompt using C++, will give you a good grounding if you decide to take it further. There are hundreds of beginners books that will give you a good start. The first one I got was Beginning C++ Game Programming, it gives a very good introduction to the world of Object Orientated programming, in a gaming context.

I made a Quake 3 engine replica when I was 16-17 before going to uni. Lots of tutorials online, there is nothing overtly complex along as you are goo programmer and have a good understanding o linear algebra.

Sure, I only messed about developing engines and had very rudimentary physics. No actual game at all. That wasn't the point, the point was displaying really cool graphics in a fast and efficient way, learning about collision avoidance, real time lighting, physics, scene graphs, binary trees, geometry.

The biggest hurdle is the artwork, hence I moved to using quake 3 type engine where I could use freely available quake 3 levels and textures. I also did a lot of of stuff with procedurally generated landscapes.
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