I want to retrain in Linux

6 Feb 2004
I have a MCITP in Microsoft server 2008 and have been working with windows servers for 5 years. I want to carry on doing so as its bread and butter. But if in the future I want to specialise in Linux, where would a good place to start.

I did my MCITP self-study whilst doing the job. Can anyone give me any advice on what certification to take? Self-study would be preferable as my Employer probably won’t send me away on a Linux course. :p

My back ground as you can imagine is windows and MAC based, however I have 'dabbled' in Linux, SUSE, Ubuntu desktop a few times. Just to keep up with any developments.
A little search and I have this list:

Linux Professional Institute Certification (LPIC)
CompTIA Linux+
Novell Certified Linux Engineer
Red Hat
Thanks a lot guys, I really appreciate the advice. So i Guess I shouldn’t bother doing the Comptia Linux+. More research needed - onwards....
Linux+ is not that bad, im biased as I have it of course :p but it's a good half way point and will teach you a lot.

The syllabus is nice, extensive and vendor neutral, so if you put the time in you will learn a lot of applicable skills. It's also very cheap to comparatively, so depending on your time frame I would say there is no harm in doing it before RHCE or LIPC as a half way point.

Thanks, I may do it as an introduction to Linux Certs. Thanks
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