I was told by YOU to get a new end can.

9 Sep 2009
In a small valley
Well I have listened to you and I am getting an end can:D

I want a Beowulf but I cannot decide whether to get the Oval Black 450mm or the Warrior in stainless or black:rolleyes:

I have looked images but cannot find this colour with one of the above cans. Videos, the bike is always black or silver:(

So any opinions would be great!:)



I thought you was going to do some touring on the bike ? If so I would think twice about getting a noisy can as the drone at motorway speeds will drive you insane.
If you must get a louder can then get one with removable baffles then at least you have the option of quieter running if it ***** you off.
Those stock Suzuki cans are enormous things and look silly. If you wear ear protection (and frankly you'd be mad no to) then noise on a motorway won't be an issue at all. A new road legal can with the baffle fitted really isn't that loud on a four cylinder 600. You can get a short coupling pipe to re-attach the original silencer if you want to anyway.

I think black would look pretty nice to start with, but it probably won't stay looking nice for as long as polished stainless. You can polish plain stainless to remove minor scratches etc, but a painted stainless can covered in stone chips will look tatty.
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I had the standard bazooka can on my SV650 which I replaced with a black Beowulf. Sounded much better and looked 100x better too. With the baffle in it was absolutely fine.


Get the one that will screw up the fuelling the least!

I just stick with standard cans these days. Much less hassle

Really, much better sounding, looking and not a lot of effort, either get a ECU EPROM chip for the can, or the expensive route, a re map...
As someone said above, the sound can become a bit annoying - depends on the pipe really, as do the looks. Some of the cheap after market stuff just looks tacky, but the Yoshi / Akra etc look and sound great.

Fuelling depends on the bike, but on my ZX12R I just couldn't get it to fuel correctly even with a Powercommander and dyno session. Its a lot of expense (for a good pipe and P/C) and hassle IMO
Nice bikes guys:)

Come to think of it a garage with laminate flooring could be cool, although it could get very slippery lol.

I think i will go all out and get the squared on in black. I watched a video online and its got nice low grunty sounds and up high it seemed to not get too loud with the baffle in.

Pughaven, I will do touring but it will always be with the baffle in and I will probably have comms so it should be fine.

Tried to start it today but it just wound not work!:mad: so I had to pay a pick up fee! Dam thing. But oh well it may need new plugs and a new battery and i guess I have to get one of those optimate things? Will find out tomorrow lol.

Oh and for some reason i have decided to call her Betty. Was in work last night on lunch and part of a random conversation involving silly banter I made a comment about Betty Boop in blue lace undies! So the name stuck from last night lol
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