I went of holiday and...

WJA96 said:
When I cam back Yewen was a Don!

Congratulations again - I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.

Keep up the good work.


I wouldn't congratulate him though, the power's gone to his head.


ARGH, he's back! Run for your lives!

I am Yewbot, bow down before me or perish.

Thanks guys, better response than my GD thread!

Wondered where you had got to WJA96, was waiting to abuse the edit button to remove Eclipse references, but you just didnt make any. :p
is that good? with the short time i been here i have hopefully been helped and helped some people some of the time, and achieved hitman status.

It would be good to have a rateing response score also to help stop post for post sake stuff. Although OCUK forum os good for not haveing many on who post for the sake of it. Which is useful for getting info and bot LANGUAGE! feedback to a serious question.
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The Don, Commissario, Man of Honour and Underboss positions on these forums are by appointment only.

Don is a super moderator, Underboss is a moderator/moderator assistant, Commissario is an admin and Man of Honour is an award for being a good poster for the respective year.

My post count has nothing to do with it if that is what you mean?
Whilst your all fine and dandy at the top, it's little hitmen joe pesci's like me that will come kick you ass. None of this 'say hello to my little friend' scares us :D
adfinni said:
Whilst your all fine and dandy at the top, it's little hitmen joe pesci's like me that will come kick you ass. None of this 'say hello to my little friend' scares us :D

I only recently saw Scarface for the first time recently and I'm not sure that a coked-up soon to be dead gangster is anything to aspire to, but there we go.

Not to mention the fact that he allowed himself to be shot in the back...

Having just killed his best mate and his sister...

I'm not sure some of the users on these forums are actually legally old enough to watch it either as it's an 18 certificate ;)
Get to bed yewen, your far too young to be up this late.

Actually im to old for this now, must order conroe rigs tomorrow morning. Getting up will be a pain.

I'm gonna post some bad stuff every hour just to keep you awake all night :p :D
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