I wonder why us shopfloor workers weren't asked.

And essential shop workers like myself who had customers making every excuse in the book. One said to me “I’m shopping for my mum” in order to get more food. A colleague moved into her house after she died 2 years before and you dealt with her what fitting’s could be left. Idiot!

Some customers really might be shopping for other people (one way around the toilet roll rationing) but the same could be said for people who use home delivery ('I'm expecting a package from Ebay/Amazon') Both excuses have some truth in them. Then there's the people who buy loads of shopping before or on Christmas eve and come back a few days later under the exscuse of 'People have decided to invite themselves round and're coming later').
As mentioned a few times. People who have never worked in retail in the last 20 years, should be called up like jury service and get told where to work between x-y date. Then get told what hours to work. The same exceptions apply like jury service - carer, illness, booked holiday etc. Those who refuse to do the service will be punished.

It will be an eye opener for many. It’s not an easy job. For me 80% of the stresses at work are customers who moan about petty things.


a few hours befpre closing time on Christmas Eve'd be the ideal time and no doubt somebody (who's had aal day to do their schopping)'ll turn up just as the doors're about to be closed and locked (just for 'a few small item' and they'll be quick)., only to spend half the time on Facebook
and then have the nerve to just walk out of the shop and leave half of THEIR shopping in the middle of the aisle.
Then there's the usual;-
Go on, it's christmas/where's your christmas spirit?
You've just spoilt my kids' christmas!!
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It is true that generally the worst thing in any public facing work is the public themselves.
''Think of the average person and how stupid they can be, half are even stupider than that!''

You didnd't work at NETTO in the Whalley Range area of Manchester. It was a magnet for idiots and time wasters
1. I was at one end of the aisle and a woman at the opposite end shouted out to me 'OI, YOU GET ON THE TILL!'. I'm sure this was the same one who, when I was sorting the trolleys out in the trolley bay, some farthead had decided to leave their trolley on the other side of the barrier and other fartheads chained their trolley to the one that was on the other side of the barrier and some trolleys were chained facing theopposite direction, and the moan shouted out to me, 'OI, YOU. GIVE ME A POUND FOR THE TROLLEY'.
2. I had to tell a customer three times that apple and elderberry water wasn't alcoholic and I was needed somewhere else, the stupid cow followed me and she asked another bloke. I told him to ignore her as she was just wasting time. Er, if being told numerous times that apple and elderberry water isn't alcoholic isn't time wasting, what is?
3. You could be working the frozen and the customers'd take all the boxes off then just walk away.
4. They left the spotlines in a mess.
5. This was like that running 'have we got a video' joke in an episode of The Young Ones. The place was closing down and I was given the job of putting posters advetising the date of the reopening of the new branch of The Co-op. I put the posters up in the windoews and around the ship and peole still asked me when the place was closing down.8. A customer was kucky that that the boss was on the till during an arguement otherwise, the boss would have got up and smacked him one.
6. (I've saved the best until last). It was a Friday afternoon and all the tills were occupied and there were qeuuses. I was just getting on with the job when some old bag stormed up to me and tote into me becuase of the situation. I went round the back to tell the boss then went back to what I was doing. The old bag has another go at me when one of the crew has a go at her back. Natutrally she starts going on about complaining to head office (If she did and I was spoken to about it, i would have said that she started on me and I couldn't do anything about it) but she never did). As a punishement I would have made her put ALL her shopping back, herself.
Not really damn near everyone on furlough kept thier jobs because of furlough

D'youi think those on furlough asked for it? A few weeks or months offf as a state sanctioned holiday might sound tasty but it gets boring after a while and you want to go back to work. I've been furloughed twice and had no choice or say in the matter.
The first time I was glad of it and given two days notice and the second time, I only found out by a phone call from the boss telling me I was being put on furlough.
Not me! On the only NYD I worked it was dead all day - just got sales in sausages, bacon, bread, eggs and other full English breakfast items.

Think HQ said as it’s a Saturday.

It makes no difference as retired, never work and those jammy sods who never work between Xmas Eve to 2nd Jan (give/take a day - depending on when they fall in the week) forget what day of the week it is.

Even in my previous jobs, I had to attend the those days in between Xmas and NYD if the place wasn’t closed and not on days off. For example- this year it would be 29-31 Dec. One place I worked, head office was in Scotland so even had 2nd Jan off even I worked in their Leeds office!!!
Who the **** goes shopping on new years day??

Put it this way, anybody who wants shops to be open on Christmas Day and go sjhopping on New Year's can borrow my uniform.
They probably bought a load of shopping the day before Christmas eve, and went shopping on the days between boxing day and new years eve anyway..
In 30 years the longest I ever had off over Christmas is 2 days. I almost always get 1 day. And I usually work until 2130 Christmas eve. Do I win?

I got furloughed and greatly enjoyed being free for months. It was lovely. Eat when I was hungry, sleep when I was tired, have a life, be free.

I got it twice either way, I didn't ask for it.
A few weeks/months off work might sound tasty but after so long you start getting bored, cabin fever sets in and you want to go back to work but the worst thing was THE PUBS WERE SHUT!!!!

But at least I had things to get on with.
There's something I've noticed about working on a supermarket shopfloor,
the supermarket want you to do an extra hour due to staff shortage* but insist that you have the favour back when they want to give you back and on their terms only but they're perfectly happy for you to offer to do an extra hour/start early without discussion and use your contract as a weapon against you. I was going to do an extra hour tonight depending on whether somebody else turned upm at the right time.
The favour I'd want back is my laptops SSD internal drive upgraded but of course, with it being a supermarket I'd be accused of being unreasonable just for wanting the favour back on my terms and when I wanted it (I know its a bit OT but if I do an extra hour as a favour, I'd want the favour back).
Everybody goers on about the poor stressed out shoppers but what about the floor staff, especially when a visit from one of the osses th next day and the stress put on by the managers/team leaders who put stress on the staff?

*CTMs who can't be arsed to turn up without calling in or turn up late. I don't do an extra hour for people like that and don't tell me you lot have never worked with somebody like that.
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Maybe I’m missing something here, but you appear to be saying that if the supermarket you work(ed) for asked you to work an extra hour you consider that having your laptop’s internal drive upgraded should be your recompense.
Being a raving Luddite I’ve no idea of the cost of an internal drive,
OT but it depends on how big you want the drive (but game mods and DLC soon mount up and thats before the games and other files and 250 GB isn't really enough for my needs).
You've done heavy goods driving in the past, so I'll use that as a rough analogy: The drive is a lorry. Games, game mods, DLC, etc is the cargo. GB is the cargo capacity of the lorry.

A lot more. The next step up would be a 500 GB SSD, which would be at least £50. 1000 GB would be a more suitable capacity given the size of the "cargo" nowadays and that would be at least £80. For comparison, I have 3000 GB of SSD capacity in my PC and that's not a particularly high amount nowadays. A single game with extras often exceeds 100GB nowadays.

The Mods, fonts (I've got a list of over a thousand) and DLC for things like Particleshop (it also works with an Apple Mac and also with Paintshop Pro*)and the loops and additional instruments for Magix Music Maker (It's a real music creation suite) soon mount up).

*So does a good bit of special effects software called SFX Studio Pro.

BOT I did hear that working from home's also going to end and no doubt there'll be lazy bar stards who don't want to go back to the office and;ll have to wait at the bus stop in the wind and pouring rain.
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