
7 Jun 2003
Did any of you sign up for i27 in time?

anyone going in a team?

this is going to be my first lan, cant wait :D and the best bit is i didnt have to pay! lol, ive wanted to goto an ilan for the past 4-5 lans now but one matter or another has always stopped me from going, hopefully see one or two of you there if anyone from heres going :)
Vampy said:
I'm going payed months ago :p can't wait this will be my second i-series

bah COD....pfft :D think my teams got a COD2 team going, you entering the tourny?

EDIT: im loving the fact theres 194 in css section and only 84 in 1.6, DIE 1.6 DIE!
YES here at last, im on the second floor sitting in the reason-gaming section (you can see it when you come through from the stairway, with the big screen at the end of the desk) end PC (the CRT right at the end)

if anyone feels like saying hello then feel free :D
paradigm said:
Only a low quality photo, as I can't upload to my FTP from here :(


That is about 3/4 of ONE of the 3 floors of the building.

top right of that picture you can see a white banner with a red R on it, im right below that banner
gah i slept in my mates car, 1-2 hours sleep + very uncomfortable, and now we have to play the favorites in the CSS tournament at 11am :< arg!
and a bad neck :( i cant work out wether i actually slept or not, i cant remember waking up but im sure i didnt lie there for 5hours with my eyes closed :confused:
Anim said:
Paradigm & co on 2nd floor. You'll find me down the end on 2f-AQ4 ... with the blue hair.

blue tinted hair and a green tshirt? think i just walked past you outside (only person ive seen with blue hair so far anyway)
past 2 days ive had 3 hours and 1-2 hours sleep, after having 5hours sleep in an area i can actually stretch full length i feel ******* great :D good n ready for some source tourny ownage today, won all our group games with ease so far
haha, first night i spent in the front of a fairly small car, knees on the dashboard and chair as far back as it could go, probably the most uncomfortable nights sleep in a long time, slept in the red room last night though and even without a roll mat or pillow it felt like one of the best nights sleep ive ever had :D (used my rolled up jacket as a pillow)

the sun when i woke up at 8am was awesome, really made me feel nice and fresh when i got up :)
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