i5 2500k 1st time OC

21 May 2008
Hi 8 Pack,

Can you throw any suggestions my way for an OC to about 4 / 4.5 Ghz on the system in my sig?

I appreciate its an old chip nowadays so perhaps itll be an easy answer for you!!

Thanks ! :)
I run mine at 1.33 volts for a 4.5ghz over clock. As e cooller too, though waiting for my new cooller to arrive.
Should be easy on UD3.

Multi to 45, BLK 100, RAM XMP, Cstates OFF, Speed step on, Spread spectrum auto.
LLC extreme. VTT 1.05 , IMC 1.05
Start at Manual voltage 1.3v core and test.

Depending on errors raise Vcore for stability. Keep an eye on temps while testing below 80 being fine on SB. For testing just use your PC as you would normally!!!

Any questions post back.
I pretty much used 8 pack's settings. At 1.33v vcore and 4.5GHz seems very stable in BF4, better than my over clock! The only thing I needed to enable was PLL over voltage or it wouldn't boot. Seeing up to 100% cpu usage in BF4 so going to try to squeeze a little more out of it.

Happy with it so far, cheers 8pack :)
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