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i5 2500k upgrade

16 Mar 2016
Rubber Dinghy Rapids Broo
I've gopt the upgrade itch as I have to turn down settings on forza 6 apex, GTAV, NBA 2k17 and battlfield 1 to keep a steady 60hz with a gtx 1070 at 1440p ultrawide.
I can either get a 2600k for around £50 if i sell my 2500k. A 6700k setup for around £150 if I sell my old computer with a 7950 and keep the 1070, or build a Ryzen PC next month.

Or should I try overclock my CPU to 4.5ghz with my coolermaster 412s. My current 4.3Ghz overclock is on stock voltage.
The reason i'm hesitant to do that is that when i have the drops its only to around 50-55 fps depending on the game, and this only happens on a few games, i'd basically be spending a net of £200-£300 to avoid this, when it may be better off going towards a gpu upgrade.
Which is why i don't want to make the choice because of a new platform which will be outdated by next year because it doesn't have the latest and greatest features.
My motherboard already has sata 3 and usb 3.0 support, both of which I have no use for, and I have just bought a 960gb ssd to load all of my games onto instead of having a boot drive with a hdd for my games. I doubt this will have an effect on ingame fps.

When I overclocked my 2500k from 3.3Ghz to 4.3ghz the minimums in nba 2k17 went from 51 to 56fps, so im hoping either a 2600k overclocked would solve the issue, but i guess overclocking my 2500k further would not be enough.
The games where I am dropping frames are the ones which benefit from more threads from what I have read. If a 2600k isn't enough then i'd be willing to go for Ryzen or a 6700k.
I can get a used 6700k for £210 which is why an upgrade to the z170 platform would only end up costing around £150 including the mobo and ram.
With Ryzen I would have to pay full price, and those prices are unconfirmed, as well as the question of which processor would be best for my money.

I'm not looking at this in the long term as im hoping that there will be ultrawide hdr 100hz monitors soon, and if they come out I will jump to vega
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As zen is a little while off yet

I would test a 2600k at least..... even if it does not give you want you want you should not lose much if you decide then to go zen when it does arrive ..


I didn't even think of just buying it and trying it out to see how I performs :eek:
I think thats what I will do.

I've still got some arctic silver 5 thermal paste from about 8 years ago, which has only been opened and used 3 times. Do you think it will still be up to the job, or should I replace the old thermal paste. (Don't know if it can expire or degrade over time)
You can go to a 2600K but you still won't have/will lack:

USB 3.1
USB 3.0 on chipset
PCIE 3.0
More than 16 PCIE lanes from the CPU
Not very many PCH PCIE lanes (and they're slow)
Inferior audio solutions
Only 2 SATA 6gbps ports vs 6

I have usb 3.0 on my asrock pro4m, and havent really found it of any use, and I only use an ssd and hdd so i dont need more than 1 sata 6gbps port.
From what ive seen PCIE 2.0 at x16 is still enough for modern GPU's.

So i'll try the 2600k and see how it goes.

But like I asked earlier, would my old Arctic silver 5 still be ok to use despite being 8 years old?
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