i5 760 upgrade time?

2 Nov 2018
Currently running a i5 760 overclocked to 4ghz
8gb Ram
1050 ti with 4gb
Asus 1080p @ 60hz

Wondering what of the above is screaming to be upgraded.

Up until now I have tended to alternate what gets upgraded (core set up followed by gfx card cycle). I got the mobo gpu and ram from here as part of of an OC bundle around 2013. Got a new monitor and card a year back.

No problems until now its served me well. Everything I play I have no issues with. BF5 is on the way and I'm hovering over min specs. Thinking at least 16gb no preference on CPU manufacturer but Ryzen seems to be winning the bang for buck from what Ive read.

With that in mind would love to hear some recommendations.

whats bottle necking what at the moment ?
can I get away with mobo ram and cpu only upgrade or will the 1050 be holding back any upgrade?
Ideally I would be looking to step up to higher refresh rates next year get a new card and monitor then.
Type of guy who likes to go bang for the buck mid upper-mid range.

Thanks for reading and any advice.
what's your budget mate? i stepped up from an i5 750 to a ryzen 5 1600 about a year back and nearly fainted at the performance increase.

Thanks for getting back. I figured its been that long that I would see quite a bump with an upgrade :)

for the bones of the machine (mobo, ram, cpu) about £600
Will never spend more than £200-230 on a GFX
PSU and case all set. Although one day I would love a case with proper cable management. Mines such a mess (old antec 900 with a 3yr old but v quiet 650w psu)

Can a mod move this thread to the other section please https://forums.overclockers.co.uk/forums/new-to-pc-gaming-upgrade-advice.172/
Thanks for the suggestions. Tempting just to click and grab it all now :)

So from what I gather the i5 8600K is more or less topish of the tree for the mid range i5 line. Nails the sweet spot for price performance.

In that case how does it stack up to the top of line ryzen 7 2700x proc?? https://www.overclockers.co.uk/amd-...hz-socket-am4-processor-retail-cp-3ac-am.html

Which would be more future proof? Looking for the next bones bundle to be comfortable for the next 4-5 years again.
Oh and would any such upgrade make the 1050 ti still viable for the next year?

Thanks again
Future proof meaning I wont have to touch it for 5 years. Is more cores going to be a factor in the coming years or nah?

I'm looking to go a higher res display and 100+hz refresh rate + card on the next refresh cycle next year. Does the I5 still win out? If so its settled.

Appreciate the advice.
Orbital your reply set me on a journey!

Last time I spent £600 on my bare bones and its lasted me all this time 2013. Only upped gfx, monitors and drives in between.
So I'm starting to think on my upgrading strategy. Because I tend to buy decent and run it into the ground I tend to spend a bit and wait it out till it needs to happen ie my rig becomes game spec minimums. Do this with cars too. If I can squeeze a doulbe upgrade into 600 (bones and card) now then I could go again in 2-3years or card next time rig lags behind then mid range bones year after. tldr little and often

Common strat I came across is 30-50% of rig fund should be card. So got me thinking would it even be possible to eek out £200 of that 600 for a card that could go 1440p when I up screen next year? Seems like Im asking for a lot for the money but it looks doable. 1050 4gb is alright for now but time is ticking on it.

a lot of the benches I've seen have largely been GPU limited anyway. So a mid range Ryzen 5 or low end Ryzen 7 build for £400 could see me also get an 8gb 580 card. Or even go used 1070ti in that wheel house. b350 mobo

tldr Question is which Ryzen is the right play.
r5 2600 vs 2600x - depending on prices around black friday I've been advised only go 2600x if its £20-30 more than the 2600. If its more go 2600

r7 1700 vs 1700x vs 1800 How do these stack up to the above 2600 on cost perforamnce. What price difference between each model makes it worth it??
appreciate the input guys.

So at this stage it's safe to say the CPU is holding me back? I'm toying with the idea of getting a vega 56 to replace the 1050 ti but think a CPU bundle is more pressing.
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