i5 8500 to i9 9900k or start from new?

18 Oct 2016
Hi all, would like opinion, is it worth upgading from I5 8500 to I9 9900k (and adding more ram and newer gpu and psu?)
Currently running
i5 8500 on Asrock Z370 Pro4
16Gb vengance lpx ram @3000mhz cl16
Gigabyte gtx 1660 oc gpu
Powering it all is CX450 80+Bronze psu
Then 1Tb NVME, 525Gb SSD, 500Gb 5400rpm hdd
1080p monitor LG 24mp59g
I put this pc mid to late 2018 when everyone was buying 8400 i managed to get 8500 from here (OC's) opened box for cheaper :D
I know i'm looking to 3/4's of the system upgrade, but im not in to gaming to much just want to max it out, that was the intention when was choosing the motherboard to go with mid range cpu and upgrade it later. Pc wasn't in a use for like 2 good years since 2020, i do feel sometimes that 6c cpu is a bit falling behind. I know prices are higher then the newer cpus, but just don't feel like i would need newer system if i can upgrade it this and keep it for another 2-3 years, as i'm planing to give this to little one when he's ready to unbox it put it together (yes i still have all the boxes :))))
And if i go upgrade path i might upgrade moinitor to 1440p
thank you for any advise
Why are you considering the upgrade? What specific things are causing issues etc, difficult to judge exactly what might be the best move until knowing that.

If nothing specific is causing an issue then yes I would put money towards keyboard/mouse/monitor/speakers etc as they're always good to upgrade and carry over between pcs etc.
Why are you considering the upgrade? What specific things are causing issues etc, difficult to judge exactly what might be the best move until knowing that.

If nothing specific is causing an issue then yes I would put money towards keyboard/mouse/monitor/speakers etc as they're always good to upgrade and carry over between pcs etc.
Mostly when i play, takes time to load a game or when moving between scenes it takes time to load textures, that is on Hogwarts game, Dirt rally. CS2 i play the most but it's on lower graphical settings any way, Dota2 as well on lower settings. It's when i go to play something more demanding. Most of the time ill browse with many tabs running, music in background etc. and can see CPU usage going and staying at about 60%. Ram at 50% usage.
The upgrade move is more towards GPU, but if i put better GPU i'll be bottlenecking this cpu, so that brings me to CPU upgrade as well, then i'll need to up the PSU to meet power usage.
Now my peripherals are ok, keyboard (generic logitech) since 2008, mouse (razer abyssus mirror se) as well about 13 years old, monitor as mentioned 1080p monitor LG 24mp59g, speakers im looking for some bookshelf, as th other set up i have is in the livingroom.
You can try to narrow things down by using something like msi afterburner to show in game your usage % of both gpu and cpu, so you should be able to see if the cpu is potentially holding things back.

Hogwarts is particularly cpu heavy I believe, but in general your gpu will struggle with newer games as well I would think, even at 1080p. I recently just upgraded a pc from a 6600k and a 1080 that I was considering swapping to a 9900k or i5 9xxx and maybe a 3060, but ended up falling down the slippery slope and did a total upgrade to a ryzen 5600 and 4070 which is certainly quite a bit better as you'd expect! Even if you were to upgrade cpu, your current gpu would limit you and upgrading it would then still be limited by the cpu potentially at 1080p although it would obviously be better.

I'd have a look since for less than a 9900k you could get something like a 7500f and potentially go for an am5 build, selling your current board/cpu/mem etc, which would be an upgrade that would last for years/give you room to upgrade in the future as the gpu continues to be upgraded.
Hi all, would like opinion, is it worth upgading from I5 8500 to I9 9900k (and adding more ram and newer gpu and psu?)
No. I would suggest that you hand it over "as is" and build a new one for yourself. The i9-9900K is almost always just too much money to buy used and the performance doesn't justify it when a 12400F (£100) with a £60 H610 board can match or beat it.
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