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i7 970 upgraded confused :/

18 Jul 2015
Hi all, so skylake has been released and from what ive seen if your on sandybridge or above its not worth upgrading however im rocking a i7 970 gulftown and would like a change, but i only game and have no idea what to get now based on the skylake benchmarks :/ i have around 800.00 and not sure to go 5820k route, 6600k, 6700k or even 4790k, like i said my pc is only ever used for gaming, also I plan to go sli with my current 980ti at some stage and would like to be able to keep up with games at max or high settings for 2-3 years if possible, any advice would be much appreciated

current pc

i7 970 @3.8ghz
16gig ddr3
samsung 850 evo ssd 500gig
860 seasonic plat psu
sell what you got and go skylake 6600k +8gb ddr4

looking at more benchmarks the 4790k matches both the 6600k and 6700k and when its behind its by under 1fps and even beats it in some games by 3-4 fps, would also save me some money by not having to go ddr4, but just wonder if the new tech will be really worth it in the future?
going to wait til the end of the week see if much changes but more than likely this is what ill be ordering come friday
Corsair Hydro H100i GTX
MSI X99A Gaming 7 Intel X99
going to cheap out on ram a bit, might get better later on if its really worth it but going to go with this
Kingston Fury Black 16GB 2400mhz

then a month or two after that ill prob throw in another 980ti :)
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