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i7 For video editing and games

17 Oct 2006
Aviemore, Cairngorms, Scottish Highlands
Looking for a new CPU/Mobo combo for video editing and gaming. Budget is about £250 and looking to buy 2nd hand. Not to fussed if not latest gen. Will only being giving it a simple OC.

Few CPU's i've come across are

i7 6700K
i7 5820K

Any others I should be looking at. ;)
For video editing and other CPU intensive (non-gaming) tasks the 5820k is better by quite some margin due to the extra physical cores.

In gaming the difference between all i7s going back 5 years is so tiny it's not even noticeable. Progress has basically stopped on that front..
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Depending on what program you use the 6700k is slightly faster than he 5820k but as said above the extra cores maybe be better for future.

There is also gpu acceleration to be considered.

What programs do you use ?
The 5820k will be slightly behind in gaming, but a fair bit ahead in video editing. Depends on how much you plan on doing of each.
Thanks for all the replies guys, I would say it will be a mix of the 2 gaming and editing Editing will be done in Adobe Premiere and some 4k footage. Gaming will be Battlefield 1 and any new upcoming games.
Also just to let you know I have a 4790S i7 at the moment which is locked so no overclocking or could swap it out for a 4790K and overclock it.

How does the 4790k compare to the 6700k and 5820k?
There's very little between a 4790k and a 6700k. Absolute maximum of 5% on a good day with the wind blowing in the right direction.

So compared to a 5820k the same arguments apply above.
I'd go for a 6700k because I personally don't understand the quicker encoding argument, simply because I'd walk away from the PC and let it do its thing. The 6700k has better IPC and overclocks higher so would be better for gaming.
I'd go for a 6700k because I personally don't understand the quicker encoding argument, simply because I'd walk away from the PC and let it do its thing. The 6700k has better IPC and overclocks higher so would be better for gaming.

Indeed and we are talking minutes rather than hours..

Anyone suggesting that editing with 6 cores 12 threads over 4 core with 8 threads in the timeline adding effects is showing any real difference is talking nonsense. Ram and disk access is far more important....Not so much an issue now with SSD's widely available.

Just make sure your scratch disk is separate to your actually footage and that the OS is own its own SSD.
what many forget is the actual recording of games aswell or footage.which will benefit the x99 platform.

once oc the x99 stuff leaves the normal i7 for dust.if you do casual stuff fair enough go make a cuppa come back.thing is with the price similar and you do it regular and gaming is so close its basically level x99 makes it a no brainer.
I would go for an X99 + 5820K, It will last much longer and be better for video work. New games will most likely start to use more cores think Bf1 already does.
battlefield 1 already shows better fps on more cores.

also if you record do twitch you are better of on a x99 platform over normal i7. i7 is also fine in games.

people can say its only minutes difference in a large video when editing but that can be important to some.bla bla buy a zeon next reply :D
battlefield 1 already shows better fps on more cores.

also if you record do twitch you are better of on a x99 platform over normal i7. i7 is also fine in games.

people can say its only minutes difference in a large video when editing but that can be important to some.bla bla buy a zeon next reply :D

Can you link to a bench showing the 6 core 5820K beating the 6700k please?
5820k would be better but your looking at £270 for the CPU alone then mobo and DDR4 memory.

If your already on an I7 dont bother upgrading the difference it will make to how much it will cost won't be worth it.
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