Ibanez RG321??

23 May 2006
Hi, I got a bit of money so I'm going to get some effects pedals. The problem is that I need another guitar as well, because my current one has a floating trem and tuning changes mid set are a hastle. I'm looking at the ibanez RG321, its a hardtail so no problems there. Do any of you guys own this axe and can you advise me on what its like?.. Discuss

A distortion pedal I doubt you've heard of called a land mine. and a crybaby. I have a randall RH100G2 head and marshall cab If you wanted to know
never heard of that distortion pedal, you're right :p

ive got to say my favourite 2 distortion pedals of the "right here right now" are in no particular order :p

Keeley Modded DS1 @ £109
Keeley Modded MT2 @ £127

ive never heard something sound so nice for so cheap! and when i say cheap i mean compared to Keeley standard prices :p
SidewinderINC said:
Keeley Modded MT2 @ £127
It's a personal taste thing isn't it - I LOVE the sounds of a MT-2, especially the modded ones but some people hate them. I used to get a real sweet Dimebag sound with mine, bags of sustain and searing leads.. mmm, lovely :D
i'm slowly starting to not like the sound of my MT-2, and ive never liked the sound of the DS1 :p

my sisters boyfriends old housemate (lol, thats a long chain - he just moved out) had a keeley DS1 - ive never ever heard anything that comes close to it for that price.

you could probably get the same tone out of the MT if you tried hella hard because its got a few more knobs, but the DS1 has 3 knobs and its so easy.
I have the RG421, which is basically the 321 with the ibanez V7/V8 pickups and shinier hardware that I got from the states about 5 years ago (before it was released over here)

I wouldn't be without the guitar now, yeah the paint has been dinged and chipped but its had 5 years of bashing around, 3 house moves and loads of gigs :)

a worthwhile instrument
I've always hated Metal Zone sounds... it is far too harsh and twangy sounding... just horrible!

The Krank Distortion looks awesome and there are some other crackers out there... odn't think I'd ever buy a Metal Zone tho
Docaroo said:
I've always hated Metal Zone sounds... it is far too harsh and twangy sounding... just horrible!

The Krank Distortion looks awesome and there are some other crackers out there... odn't think I'd ever buy a Metal Zone tho
Depends what you do with it ;) Used incorrectly it will just fizz at you, you need to back off the gain and tweak the mids just right for your guitar/amp setup. I loved mine, got a decent Dimebag sound using it..
I really want a dime sound, I have a randall head, but the distortion doesn't impress me that much, what is the dime distortion like? The MXR one
collisster said:
I really want a dime sound, I have a randall head, but the distortion doesn't impress me that much, what is the dime distortion like? The MXR one
I read a review of the krank distortus maximus stompbox in a recent-ish Total Guitar issue, they were well impressed with it.. http://krankamps.com/news/images/Krank_Review.pdf - check it out, an interesting read :)
The Krank one got a great review in GB, but I'd love to have a Damage Control Demoniser...haven't played one, but it's supposed to be brilliant. And at £300 (I think...or is it £200?) then it bloody well should be brilliant! :D
Can recommend the Zakk Wylde signature pedal although i think it needs a valve amp to get the best out of it. I had a Marshall MG100DFX that never really impressed me and the ZW pedal even less especially considering the money, however when i built my 5W all valve i decided to give the pedal another go an i have to say i'm glad i did as it sounds fantastic.
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