IBC Tank Rainwater Harvesting

15 Nov 2011
Am really thinking of giving it a go.

Thinking of getting 2X 1000L units (local shop has them for £25 each). They have been steam cleaned and have only been used for food.

I want to stack them ideally as my space is limited. I also have nice easy access for the guttering on both front and back of the house, garage to feed the tanks.

Anyone done it?
I have a water butt which I use to run my pressure washer but nothing on that scale. I assume you mean to use this water as drinking water? Don't you need any sort of treatment?

No not to be used as drinking water, that's silly.

I have a Koi pond (5000L currently) but 2 cars, 1van and a bike to wash soon adds up
I've been wanting to use rain water to water plants and flush the toilets but have never got around to doing anything about it.

I have three water butts (recommended supplier by council) but I keep getting leaks. I've returned 2 but the replacements have also sprung leaks.

Your post has reminded me of such plans.

I could fit 4 in total but I think 2 will do for now. It's just a case of how best to plumb them
Just struck gold on 4 IBC 1000L tanks for a tidy some of £40 cash. All been used once for food. Getting them delivered tonight, then will have the steam cleaning man my missies employs come clean them.

I now need to find a site for some fittings.
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