ICE amp question. ohms etc

13 Mar 2004
basically, imagine you have an amp and there are no stats for its output at 2ohm, ie not rated at 2ohm stable, whats the likely outcome of wiring it down to 2ohm and keeping the gains low

ive not got an old amp to play about with, but in your experience is that likely to go straight to protection?
It probably will unless its a good make
I have a couple of rockford bd1000.1's rated at 2ohm, however they work fine wired to 1ohm outputtin 1800w on the test.
a cheap make will probably just shut off into protection mode. a decent make is more likely to handle it, so it may work depending on the load but you may find it shuts off.

worse case is the decent brand handles it until it fries rather than it going into protection mode, but you are more likely to blow the inline or amps own fuse first.

it has been a long time since I was into ICE and a mate owned one of the ice shops locally so I regularly spent £££ and got to try all of the latest and finest gear.

i have never managed to actually fry an amp due to overloading it or missmatching the subs or bridging components, rather the fuses would blow or protection mode kicked in.
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