Ice Road Trucker

22 Nov 2010
So... Im reaching that stage in my life now where i wanna do something totally different, and go somewhere and just let loose on something.

I hate people, and think that most humans are complete morons, so I am thinking of going to the Arctic circle in Canada and becoming and Ice Road Trucker.

Has anyone got any experience of this?

Would it be best to get my HGV licence over here first, or should I just go and get a licence over there?

Would Canada even let a UK person into their gaff?

Any constructive answers would be welcomed.
The othter thing is I like extremes.

I want to see the beauty of the arctic landscape.. the wildlife, and i LOVE driving... Ive even driven solidly for 36 hrs before... I am like a machine. This makes me think I could handle a couple of seasons on the Ice Road.

Correct me if I am wrong, but did they not get Hugh to train up a complete rookie also??

Ive always wanted to go to Tuktoyatuk, and couldnt believe it when I stumbled on a show that actually was based around that area.

Cool as moo.
If you hate People then Dont Become a trucker where power tripping Bosses and **** hole engineers tell you what to do and blame you for **** ups all day long.
It makes you hate them more.

Are you a road train guy?

I was thinking of that, but its not extreme enough!

The Ice Roads are hardcore, and better paid are they not?

Still, its not all about the monies, its about the experience, and doing something a little crazy.
You are a bloody danger to others more like.

Quite the contrary, I am an excellent driver.

I have such mastery of the snow that with the recent weather I could happily sit at 50/60 mph while everyone else was doing 15.

Its like a special talent. I have such fine throttle control, its better than modern cars traction control.

Hills which defeat the onboard traction control, I can drive up comfortably with all the electronic aids turned off.

As for prolonged driving, I am used to it, so I am more adapted than your average brain dead who would let themselves fall asleep at the wheel.
Here we go...

My troll senses are tingling


I was on the Isle of Skye this weekend. Coming back, I was the only person still able to do motorway speeds on ice.

Saw so many people getting stuck it was hilarious, but the Icelandic rocking technique and some considerable skill on my part ensured my safe arrival at my destination, while others were stuck for 5/6 hrs jsut doing 25 miles.
Why are we not closing our doors to unskilled immigrants then?!

Grrr... so many damn factory workers and fruit pickers..

Anyway thats off on a tangent.

Im in IT, but cant be bothered with the UK any more, and want to get out and do something thats going to be a total rush, somethign really exciting.

Surely they are struggling for people to drive on the Ice Roads? I thought they were desperate for people as half of them bottle it and end up going home?!
And you call us the morons? ;)

I have a shotgun; would you like to borrow it?

Whats wrong with having a dream?

If no-one bothered to want to change thier life, then they are the morons not me.

I want to experience as much random stuff as I can, and I love remote places away from civilisation.

You should see the scenery up near Tuktoyatuk. The sunsets, the aurora, the wildlife, the beautiful sky, the fresh air, the peace and quiet....

Its heaven on earth, albeit rather cold! but thats part of teh attraction. Id love to visit Yahktusk in Siberia too.
What if I called a trucking company...

and offered to work for minimum wage until I was qualified to drive a truck?

Or offered to be an office monkey, or a general dogsbody for a really low wage?

If they offered me a job, could I emigrate for a couple of years, or do I still have to be on a list of official jobs??
Ice Road Truckers has to be the worst program on telly! It's like American Loggers, but worse.

At OP: What about being a log-truck driver? A lot less cold!

Well the primary driver in this is being out in the Arctic. Seeing as I love driving, doing the Ice Roads would be the perfect job.

I wont do logging, as I dont agree with chopping down trees.
I didnt want to say this but....

I was on a road that even the snow plough got stuck on, but in a diesel FWD car I managed to carry on and get home.

So this leads me to belive that my driving tecnique is better than most.

I guess this could be perceived as arrogant but its not supposed to be.

My real skill is virtualisation and IT management, so Im not wholly sure if it fits into those categories, however I did used to be a chef, so with some CV "readjusting" Im sure I could get in that way.

I didnt know you needed £15,000 though.

How come all these illegal immigrants seem to be able to get into the US and work no problem, but a hard working UK citizen cant get into a country that we used to own ?

[Corsa]Fox;17902295 said:
Assuming you are serious, forget it.

It's top of the tree 'trucking'. You need plenty of trucking experience before anyone will take you on. You don't even have an HGV license.

Why would any of them employ you?

I too find it irritating that in many areas of the US you wont get served in Subway by somebody who can speak English properly or meet any non-front-desk hotel staff who can, yet skilled English people cannot move there easily, but you have to get over that.

Hey, well that was partially part of my point. On the program they had a rookie driving one of the trucks, who had clearly not got a license, as he took his theory test and failed. Perhaps he was a local and it was the local buiness looking out for him, but I was sort of hoping that they might see someone who was desperately enthusiastic and be prepared to give them a chance.

Still, these guys are going to be doing it for the next 25 years I suppose, so I have time to start learning now.

However, I dont want to drive a rubbish European (tiny) truck on congested UK roads for a few years, I want to drive a Peterbuilt supertruck on dangerously thin ice, risking my life in -50Deg C temperatures. :(
lol. im glad there are fans of IRT too!!

Its gotta be one of the best shows ive ever seen.

Danger? Check
Beautiful scenery? check
Testosterone? check
Hot chick? check
Drama? check
seriously big machines? check

The list could go on lol
[Corsa]Fox;17903551 said:
Are you talking about the latest series? He was a seasoned trucker from Canada, who was a 'Rookie' in Alaska.

No, was series 2, up near Tuktoyatuk, and Inuvik, where they found the gas condensate and the large Natural Gas reserve up at Langley.

Will be getting on to series 3 as soon as I have finished series 2!

Trying to resist watching them all in one evening!
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