ICE tags

edit: odd thought are hospital staff allowed to shove random usb sticks into computers?

at my work plugging anything into the computers is forbidden and disciplinary offense.
edit: odd thought are hospital staff allowed to shove random usb sticks into computers?

at my work plugging anything into the computers is forbidden and disciplinary offense.

This. Even with the best will in the world any Organisation/Gov Dept. worth anything will have blocked such access to USB storage.
I couldn't see the NHS allowing them to go into their computers. BUT, they could work overseas if you've got your data on there available in different languages. And just the basic info on the outside engraved into it could still save your life.
Paramedics will not bother with any of this.
Hospital staff generally won'yt even recognise what these are.

Instead, I opted for a standard set of US issue dog tags, with pertinent info stamped on them. Modern machines emboss the text. Plenty of places online will stamp you up a set for about a fiver plus postage.

You can get 'Biker Tagz', which are coloured metal tags, similar to the above but with details engraved. They cost about 5 times what a basic set of issue ones will.
edit: odd thought are hospital staff allowed to shove random usb sticks into computers?

No, we aren't*, and definitely not into any machine running Millenium our patient database. The only ones we are allowed are carried around by our IT dept.

*At my hospital at least.
I couldn't see the NHS allowing them to go into their computers. BUT, they could work overseas if you've got your data on there available in different languages. And just the basic info on the outside engraved into it could still save your life.

cant see a forgien service letting you plug them in either tbh.
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