Ice :(

Umm dont think ABS would have helped in this case :/ My blackbird has linked brakes. Really was a case of lightly touching brakes and bike dissapearing from under me in a split second - didnt get a skid feel (well, maybe in my pants!!)
it was bad last night too around 11 o clock,very icy,

did you use the back brake?

No, touched the front. TBH I dont use the back!

Good news on the bike front, shop have given it a good look over and only cosmetic damage. They have removed the bar end and throttle is fine now, just a bent brake leaver and the one damaged side panel.

I'm starting to ache though :( Neck and wrist aches, bruise on hip and leg. Nothing a couple of ales wont sort out im sure.

Got a couple of numbers to quote to repair the cosmetic damage, prob wait until end of winter to sort it though.
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