iCon Steve Jobs The Greatest Second Act in the History of Business

13 Jan 2003
As my broadband was out today I finished reading two books I started earlier. Ok so this is not hardware but hardware of a different type :D

An interesting biography of Steve Jobs and will shock you a little perhaps. It's interesting to read about his approach to business.
Just before that, earlier today, I was reading Richard Branson's autobiography "Screw it, let's do it". Perhaps less factual about his approach in the boardroom it's interesting to compare and contrast their two different styles that stem from their early childhoods.

I think next I'll read "Inside Steve's Brain" next.
I was quite shocked at the portrayal of Mr Jobs. Not the nice guy at all.

In iCon it's interesting to see how, as he's turned 50 and with a family, even he admits he's changed a lot - surprising many with the maturity that's come bout.
He was probably rather stressed too considering there's a large portion of his time he's spent effectively ****ing his own money down the drain whilst being frustrated that people were quite happy to spend it but not make any.
I think once you get to that level of money you become very isolated. One (ie self) becomes very much the only thing you trust and can rely on.

It's interesting that he approached his friends in the same cut throat manner. It's also interesting that he could not sustain a duality of separate business and friends spheres. Perhaps he left that to his wife, instead focusing to bring the bread home.

I was also puzzled over his reaction about his first daughter.

I liked the Silicon Valley term "---- you money" which means you are no longer reliant on others to get things done.

I'd have a read of Richard Branson's - almost the opposite but with the same drive.
The Richard Branson book I've read was "Screw it, let's do it". An autobiography but involving and interesting.

It shows Virgin's 'fun' comes from Branson's drive to have fun (business=fun too) and let the money come from there.
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