ICS logging

5 Oct 2005
Hello People,

I was wondering if there were any little programs that you allow me to monitor what is being viewed on the net through a computer running ICS, a mate owns a small company and wants to be able to monitor his employees, and I thought that this would be the cheapest solution, but I have no idea of any programs that I could install on a computer with ICS to monitor the connection...

I hope that I'm making sense, only got up 20 minutes ago ;)

Does the computer have a specific purpose already? Is it connected to the net directly with a ethernet modem?

Untangle might be a good solution, they do a windows version or if you want more, there is an ISO of which you install it, but you will need 2 nics to do it, three if you want a DMZ


The Server ISO can be setup either as a bridge using an existing router or it can be a router in its own right.
whats the spec of the machine? untangle is a seriously sweet utm distro, you can use as few or as many of the functions as you need/want... and there is paid support if you feel you need it... i would definately recommend checking it out.
I am using untangle behind a pfsense firewall. The reporting in untangle is very good. However usernames will only show up if you either buy the AD connector or if you use static IP's and input the username against the IP.
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