I'd like to clarify something about furlough

17 Nov 2018
I've noticed a lot of resentment about people who've been furloughed and the misconception that peole on furlough're all lazy and enjoy it.
My point is, furlough is NOT a choice or something we can request. I've been furloughed twice and had no choice or say in the matter (the first time I was glad of it becuase of the staffing and shoplifting situation at work and the second time I only found out a few hours after I arrived home from work). It was alright for the fisrt six or seven weeks but after so long, I wanted to go back to work.
So not all people on furlough're lazy sods who want to stay furloughed and ask for it.

Some people might not have even needed to be furloughed.
I was one of those whio couldn't wait to go back and the last time I was furloughed, I even mentioned something about violating it and going back to work if I could. It was alright for a while but it screwed up my chance to book holidays in advance and at least I kept myself occupied.
I didn't realise there was resentment for those genuinely on furlough.

The main resentment that I have is towards the people fraudulently claiming furlough.

I was furloughed becuase I was considered at risk and I bet some people've been furlughed by mistake but after last nights shift,if furlough wasn't ending, the bss would have been glad of it (low staffing levels and a shedload of stock to put out and there have been times where I've come in half an hour early and told to start straight away,even before I get a chance to get my coat off (The samething happened when I was told I was being furloughed the first time. I hadn't taken my coat off, got called into the office and was told I was furloughed and after the shift in question, I was glad of it).
I was furloughed twice. I didn't handle the first period of furlough at all well, but the second one was great. I treated it as a test run for retirement. I'd like to be furloughed until I can retire. I did enjoy it. Not because I'm lazy but because I found that I like having a life.

My furloughs took place when the pubs were shut.
some of the people who had to go on it didnt have much of a choice.

That's exactly my ;point.

Firsdt time I was furloughed, the boss didn't give me a chance to take my coat off befpre calling me into the office and told me what was goin on I suggested three weeks to see how it went but it was extended to twelve weeks and then four another few weeks. On of the team leaders was telling me I should have gone for the full twelve weeks. The staffing and shoplifting situation made me glad to be furloughed
Second time- I only found out via a phonecall a few hours afyer I came home from work and was told I was being furloughed agaiin
A lot of companies and people had no choice.

That's exactly my point about people on furlough not having a say in the matter. To use an exscuse used by theJapanese/Nazis in world war two
'I only was following orders' (this wouldn't stand up as a valid reason). Being furloughed for a few weeks/the first tw months was alright but aftet so long I started to get cabin fever an wanteing to go back to work.

It'd be a good way to find out who the lazy sods are as an experiment.
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