I'd love a bike but..

3 Jul 2011
..I've been purchased a car to stop me from getting myself a Bike, The reason being my father used to have a bike but had a very bad accident many years ago (due to an idiotic car driver).

He was in plaster for a year and still has a semi open wound on his leg (25 years later) and has vowed to never sit on a bike again which I can understand after his accident.

The first bike I rode was my friends 125 Dirt bike around his farm last summer and I absolutely loved, Neither of my brothers have expressed interest in Getting a bike which doesn't really help my case.

I really don't know how I can persuade my Dad to let me get a bike with his history so to go about it but I'd really love a bike and it'd save me so much money fuel wise.
Quite amusingly another of my friends has a Yamaha 125 and I was riding it around the same field that I've ridden around on the previous bike, I'm not quite sure what it was but he told me to ride with the choke down/on, I slowed down to turn the corner and slid right off (about 5mph) I'm not sure what happened but it seemed like the engine stopped and the wheel locked.

Anyway that's put me off riding a bike until I get proper instruction.
Sorry to dig up such an old thread but...Recently I rode pillion on my uncles R1200GS Adventure on a 30ish mile trip recently, it has put me off bikes a bit I think purely due to not being in control, he certainly rode fairly spiritedly (imo) and the only thing he said to me before we started off was 'When the bike leans, lean with it'
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