7 Nov 2004
Liverpool, England
Hi there. Quick question really. Errm....If I have only one IDE cable and wish to use both a IDE HDD and my CDROM Drive, Would I be able to achive this using only the one cable with both devices connected? I have already tried doing so but have met a problem. On boot I get told to check cable which I have done and everything seems fine but once I remove one of the devices it is able to boot whether that be the HDD or a CDROM.

.....OOOOOoooo and one more question. :D On the post screen It keeps saying CMOS Checksum error and I have to re-do my BIOS settings everytime I Reboot, Why does it do this? :D
Okay, I've now forgotten about the whole IDE Drive and am now using a Maxtor 200Gb SATA Drive instead. My Specs,

Motherboard: Asus A7N8X-E Deluxe
HDD: Maxtor 200Gb SATA
CDROM: Dunno, It's a DVDROM Drive. :confused:

My New Problem. My comp dont seem to detect that the SATA drive exsists, I put in my Windows CD to install the OS and it comes up with a message "Windows can not detect any Hard Disc Drive, Please Check all cables Blagh, Blagh, Blagh....." I've checked them and everything is connected propperly, the Drive works in my other computer aswell. Any Ideas? :confused:
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