Ideas for student work

18 May 2004
Lincoln, Uk
Giving this a post of its own rather than crammed in with another thread of mine

So, other than shops and supermarkets (which I'm in the process of applying to atm), what other types of organisations are likely to employ students to work weekends and evenings?, my mind has more a less drawn a blank, oh and I don't think I'd be able to cope with bar work though tbh.

Anyone got any suggestions?

-westy- said:
Can I ask why you wouldn't be able to take bar work? The main busy periods are evenings/weekends

I just don't think I'd be personnally be able to do it, I believe it stems from me being slightly autistic, but I just don't think I'd be able to keep track of who is next in the queue (why is it never an ordered queue, more like a crowd?) while trying to understand peoples slured words over the music, make myself heard over the music, etc

Maybe I'm imagining it as hectic than it is IRL, I dunno
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